Time With God, with John North

Time with God - September 26

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Revelation 22:13

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

Let Jesus be in your beginning and in your endings!

When seasons are about to end in life, and the wind of change announces a new beginning, we have two choices: Choice number one is to fret, worry and doubt and to let fear paralyze our ability to make decisions. Choice number one takes our thought life into overdrive.

Choice number two is to trust that Jesus is in control of our lives and that “he who began a good work in us will bring it to completion” (Philippians 1:6). We can choose to rest assured that when things in our lives end, he is already present in the future preparing a beginning for us.

Satan wants to be like Jesus, who is Alpha and Omega. He wants to be in your beginning—to bring fear, anxiety, and panic. He wants to be in your ending—to bring despair, suicidal thoughts, grief, loneliness, doubt, bitterness, helplessness.

Don’t let the Devil usurp Jesus’ position in your life. Let Jesus take his rightful throne in your heart and dictate your beginnings and your endings.

Whether you’re starting a new job, or it’s your first day of school, or you are moving cities, or getting married let Jesus be in your beginning. Let his word have the final say when the Devil tries to attack you with fear of the unknown.

Whether you have just finished a job, or finished school, or lost a loved one, or gotten out of a relationship that wasn’t right, let Jesus be found in your ending. Allow him to comfort you, to direct you, to lavish you with love, and fill you with peace.

Let Jesus do what he does best. Let him be Alpha and Omega in your life!

For the iPhone app and more from John North and Ambassadors For Christ International, click here.