Time With God, with John North

Time with God - September 5

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Isaiah 58:11

“And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong, and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

The Lord will guide you continually!

A season of waiting and trying to figure out what God is saying can be a rollercoaster of emotions.

One day you tell yourself, “Yes the Lord is with me, he will guide me, he will show me the way, he will speak clearly to me.”

The next day you begin to wonder, “When is God going to guide me? When will he open the right door for me? When will I get the job I have applied for?”

The following day can sometimes get worse to the point where doubt speaks loudly: “Oh I might never get the job I want” or “I might never be able to get out of financial debt”, etc.

Seasons of waiting are never easy! But if we choose to, these seasons can often become seasons of growing. Seasons where our roots grow deeper than ever and our faith grows stronger.

I love how one person puts it “Waiting exposes our idols and throws a wrench into our coping mechanisms. It brings us to the end of what we can control and forces us to cry out to God. God doesn't waste our waiting. He uses it to conform us to the image of his Son.”

Trust that God will use this season of waiting for his good—to bring you closer to being the person he wants you to be. Choose to believe his word above the voice of insecurity, fear, or doubt.

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