Warrior Mom Wisdom

A Single Neuron or Mom - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of July 29

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional

A single Neuron or Mom, by itself (herself), is at risk

I was reading a book on Brain Based Therapy with Adults by John B. Arden and Lloyd Linford, and I came across the most amazing sentence:

“A single neuron, by itself, is at risk.”

When I read it, I immediately thought of Warrior Moms! Read the following excerpt as if you are reading about how a Warrior Mom survives.

A single neuron, by itself, is at risk. The only function of neurons is to connect and communicate with other neurons and other specialized cells (e.g., muscles and glands). The individual neuron and the thousands of colleagues to which it connects form complex networks of bundled neurons. Transactions with ever-changing environment sculpt the raw material of the nervous system across the course of development until at one point we have an organ that takes (or produces) pleasure in reading a book, doing gymnastics, or listening to Beethoven’s Fifth…

Over time, and in large part as a result of certain types of experience, neurons that do not form viable, functional connections with others are weeded out. The technical term for this programmed cellular suicide is apoptosis. The most efficient neural networks are those that have been subjected to this Darwinian process and survived. Neural networks are enriched and made more efficient – in other words, they learn – through a process of forming connections with other neurons. Connections between neural networks are forged by use, in association with the stimulation from other neurons reaching out to them, forming new synaptic junctions.

Okay, for fun, let’s replace the word neuron and/or cell with the term “Warrior Mom.” This is going to be fascinating!

A single Warrior Mom, by herself, is at risk. The only function of Warrior Moms is to connect and communicate with other Warrior Moms and other specialized Warrior Moms (e.g.,single moms, married moms, working moms, full-time working at home moms, soldier moms, you name it - moms). The individual Warrior Mom and the thousands of other Warrior Moms to which she connects form complex networks of bundled Warrior Mom Groups! Transactions with ever-changing environment sculpt the raw material of the Warrior Mom Army system across the course of development until at one point we have countless Warrior Moms that takes (or produces) pleasure in reading a book, doing gymnastics, or listening to Beethoven’s Fifth…or the Word of God as other Warrior Moms encourage her.

Over time, and in large part as a result of certain types of experience, Moms that do not form viable, functional connections with others are weeded out. The technical term for this programmed mom-cide is apoptosisolationis.(creative license applied)The most efficient Warrior Mom networks are those that have been subjected to the battles of life and survived [by wearing the Armor of God and being nourished in the fruit of the Spirit]. Warrior Mom networks are enriched and made more efficient – in other words, they learn – and unite – through a process of forming connections with other Warrior Moms. Connections between Warrior Mom networks are forged by use, in association with the stimulation from other Warrior Moms reaching out to them, forming new Warrior Mom Posts!

The very biology of humans (down to our cells and neurons) proves that we survive by forming connections! Is that not amazing?! So, as you go forth to encourage and lead women (whether you are leading a warrior mom group or another fabulous study), remember, that connection and unity is the key. No longer isolated and alone, forward March!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can once keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-2

There’s Strong. Then There’s God-Strong.

Warrior Moms Unite!®


The Warrior Mom Ministry was founded by Kristina Seymour, author of The Warrior Mom Handbook – Equipping Women through the Word, a Bible study for moms who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. Kristina has learned that moms can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about The Warrior Mom Handbook, the Warrior Mom Ministry, and to sign up for daily encouragement, visit, www.warriormoms.net.