Warrior Mom Wisdom

A Waiting Woman - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of September 30

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional

A Waiting Woman

Do you know any woman who isn’t worn out and/or waiting on something? I’ve never met anyone who says, “I feel so rested, and everything I was waiting on arrived!” This is because we don’t live in a fairy tale. We live in reality, and the real world places continual demands upon us - and keeps turning. Thus, the name of the soap opera “As the World Turns.” As a result, we wait and expect, receive (or not), and wait and expect, and get up and do it again. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. What is a rut anyway? Webster says it’s a “track worn by wheels or by a habitual passage of something.” It would make sense then, that we have “ruts” in our minds from habitually thinking a certain way. An example of one of my “rut” types of thinking was, “If I _____ then my life will be wonderful.” (fill in the blank with anything) The problem is a perfect state of “wonderful” never arrives. It’s not possible because just as one thing improves something new occurs that disrupts the present state of “almost wonderful.” Suddenly, we find ourselves on a never ending journey to the Land of Wonderful. It just doesn’t exist. Well, it does exist - but it only exists in frozen picture books of fairy tales. You’ll remember that Cinderella rode off into the sunset, but she had to get out of the carriage and go set up a home in the castle with a husband and duties, and eventual children. I wonder why the fairytale doesn’t take us to the “other side” of that sunset? There’s a rule in my home: You can’t say, “That’s not fair.” I tell my kids, “Fair is a place you go and ride rides and eat cotton candy.” I want them to understand that they are right: Life isn’t fair. Mainly, I want them to learn at an early age NOT to spend their life looking for “fair” (or perfectly wonderful). They will chase their tails, and come up short every time. My son was born deaf and he has been “diagnosed” to go blind. I don’t want him to act as if he’s a victim to his diagnosis. I want him to be a victor - not a victim - The truth is: how he thinks will impact how he lives. Is it “fair” to be born deaf? with a visual impairment? I say, it’s not about “fair” but rather whether the circumstance brings you to faith in the Lord. I will be the first to say, however, that things are not fair and the truth of the matter is, we can spend our entire lives looking for “fair” - or we can look to God and say, “What do I do? How do I do it? and please give me the strength to do so.”

I read Francine Rivers’ book “Mary.” In it Mary was asking Jesus to tell her what was bothering him so that she could ease his burden. He said, “It’s not ease I need Mother, but strength and it will come when I most need it.” I believe that the only way to break out of the ruts within our minds is to turn them over to God and ask for His Strength. We can get stuck in ruts when we get used to depending on our own strength. Our own strength leaves us “too weak” every time. But God’s strength is limitless! I challenge you today to turn it over to God, get into His word, and trust in His strength. I know for fact that you will break out of the victim rut mentality into the Wonderful Land of being a Victor in Christ. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” If you are a woman who is worn out and waiting on something to get better, I say, quit waiting on “something” and start waiting on the Lord because “Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed” (Isaiah 40:31) Let us focus on God, let us hope in the Lord - not an expected outcome - and let us get on with the business of living a victorious life! Warrior Moms Unite!

Warrior Moms Unite!®


The Warrior Mom Ministry was founded by Kristina Seymour, author of The Warrior Mom Handbook – Equipping Women through the Word, a Bible study for moms who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. Kristina has learned that moms can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about The Warrior Mom Handbook, the Warrior Mom Ministry, and to sign up for daily encouragement, visit, www.warriormoms.net.