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Due Diligence - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of February 10

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional

 “Due Diligence”

A directive from God to do all things EXCELLENT!

Recently, God spoke, “Due diligence,” to me and I was amazed by its definition. At first assumption, I thought God was simply telling me to be diligent and to be diligent in a very timely, effective manner. I was reminded that if I hesitate in my obedience, I will miss an opportunity to be used by the Kingdom. As a result, someone else will suffer due to my lack of obedience, and I as well will miss the opportunity to be blessed through the act of obedience. Let me give you an example: In January, God impressed upon me that I am to write a book with 365 devotionals in it. I thought it was a lofty request, but I considered how I write every day anyway, and that a devotional is the time I spend with God, and what better way to constantly record what I learn through the Word than to write a devotional every day. So, I opened a word document and created the title page, and began writing. Life, however, got very busy with my family, the ministry, and school, and I fell behind. I began to get back-logged with devotionals and some of them fell to the way side and I forgot about them. I began to feel bad and wonder how in the world I was supposed to keep up with such a demanding writing schedule. I knew in my heart, I must figure out how to take care of myself, my family, my responsibilities (which included my writing assignments from God) in a due diligent manner. God impressed upon me that I must get up much earlier. I must get up at 4:30 a.m. I must write from 4:30-5:30, exercise from 5:30-6:30, get ready and then get to where I am supposed to be for the day. As soon as I got this press to be due diligent, I began getting up early, writing 2-5 devotionals a day to be obedient and catch up on my writing assignments to God. I must add, however, that I asked for forgiveness before I started and I asked for Him to please speak to me as I showed up in diligence and obedience.

Now, you may be sitting there thinking, “That’s nuts!” Remember, that we all have different assignments from God, and yours may not be to get up before the crack of dawn, but if God does tell you to get up before the crack of dawn (or merely 30 minutes early), I recommend that you are due diligent about it. It is now July. My ministry partner, Barbara, called the other day and said, “Are you sitting down?” “No,” I said, “but go ahead, I’m ready.” She proceeded to tell me that she spoke with a Vice President of an internet ministry that was interested in hosting a daily devotional from me that would be sent to about 3 million women a day! She wanted to know if I had enough devotionals for the year to meet that request. Two words: due diligence.

I have since learned that there are legal and financial definitions and laws surrounding due diligence as well. In summary, it means that before one invests or signs a contract of any kind there should be a due diligent process of investigation to consider the pros and cons of the proposal in order to find the truth, all truths, about the potential business deal/legal transaction. I understand now in a very large sense that I must be diligent in all that I do whether it be a physical or a spiritual matter, and I am reminded that when the physical is combined for the sake of the spiritual (as discussed in chapter 13 of The Warrior Mom Handbook), the spiritual becomes that much more strong and effective. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16.)Think about that for a moment. If someone is powerful, but not effective, their power and resources are wasted. If one takes on everything in front of them from activities to people, they too are rendered ineffective because their focus was diffused. On the contrary, if someone is powerful and effective, they are able to positively impact the world, change lives, and move mountains! Likewise, if I have a writing ability, but I squander it by not being diligent, my writing ability is rendered ineffective. If you have a gift, but you are not effective with how you use it, the same is true for you. Do you see the importance of being due diligent? I, personally, have been humbled, and I am so much more aware that the physical training and discipline that I received in the military is now to be effectively transferred to my duties of today. I am no longer in the United States military, but I am a soldier in God’s Army and my orders have been written.

Arising each day with the goal of doing God’s Work Diligently in His Strength,


The Warrior Mom Ministry was founded by Kristina Seymour, author of The Warrior Mom Handbook – Equipping Women through the Word, a Bible study for moms who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. Kristina has learned that moms can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about The Warrior Mom Handbook, the Warrior Mom Ministry, and to sign up for daily encouragement, visit Kristina's blog.

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