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Each Dollar is a Soldier - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of May 12

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional

Each dollar is a soldier; send him out wisely

I was talking with a good friend the other day about money, about its eternal worth, and about our responsibility to be good stewards of it on this earth. He said, “You know, each dollar is a soldier, to be used to fight for the battle of God. Would you send a soldier out without a plan, with no equipment, setting him up to fail?” “No way!” I said. “Likewise,” he replied, “We are to treat each dollar as if it a soldier enlisted in God’s Army for His purpose and victory.” The responsibility of being a good steward resonated within my spirit in a new way, and I committed myself to pray over each dollar and treat it as the soldier that it is.  I committed myself to pray protection over myself regarding money. I asked God to enlist my spirit to serve Him and show me how to enlist money to do the same.

I was reminded what Bruce Wilkinson taught at a recent You Were Born for This Conference that I attended. He referenced the following scripture and said that money is the one thing in the Bible compared to “serving God” or competing with “serving God.” On this earth, and unless we win the war against serving money (holding on to it, and/or the fear of not having it, or fretting continually about not having enough: focusing on either ends of the spectrum is a form of idolatry), we will never truly be servants of God. Consider your relationship with God; how tightly do you cling to Him? If it is not as tight as you cling to your money, I invite you to pray for revelation and true freedom in this matter so that you can dedicate your dollars as soldiers of discipline and victory for His Name’s sake.

“No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Luke 16:13

The Warrior Mom Ministry was founded by Kristina Seymour, author of The Warrior Mom Handbook – Equipping Women through the Word, a Bible study for moms who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. Kristina has learned that moms can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about The Warrior Mom Handbook, the Warrior Mom Ministry, and to sign up for daily encouragement, visit Kristina's blog.

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