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Just Do It - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of October 2

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional

“As of last week, I was working full time and going to school full time; now, I’m just going to school!”  Her straight brown hair moved to a new spot on her shoulder as she said those words and grinned on her way through the door.  I was glad for her.  I was standing at my God & Coffee I: in that order:: with enough prayer and caffeine anything is possible book display, awaiting the opportunity to sign books and sell them to all the people who were either just like me, a little different, and not like me at all.  It was my first Georgian book signing, and as I stood in front of the 6 foot tall display of bagged coffee, as I rested my crème coffee mug upon the table that held a stack of my “just out” first book, as people walked inside Borders book store upon this rainy Saturday afternoon, I greeted them. I was standing in the very Border’s book store that I had entered two years ago…..

I was so thankful to have a babysitter on that day two years ago, to watch my two precious children.  In an attempt to avoid housework, or anything else monotonous, I jumped in my car and headed to Borders, with the sole intention of looking for books that were categorized as “inspirational,” so that I could write down the publishing house that published that particular book, and eventually send my manuscript of God and Coffee: in that order I off to forty or so publishing houses with “Attention:  Someone with a Touched Heart at Blank Publishing” as my point of contact line.  Yes, I was standing only feet from the very spot where I sat two years ago upon the floor, drinking coffee, and recording the publisher address information from books that were “feel good books” like mine.

It was a wonderful place to be today: standing by the front door of the very store that served as my first “open door” to the publishing world.  I was in the very Borders that I had prayed and asked God for a book signing in everyday for so long, and God heard my prayer, and He answered (In case you are wondering, it was the Snellville Borders store on Scenic Highway in Georgia, which has since been turned into a Pet Smart).  And as that lady who looked to be about thirty-something said, “As of last week, I was working full time and going to school full time, but now I’m just going to school,” spoke those words, I felt a deep connection with her.  The connection was deep, for it reached through the years of struggle and tears of defeat, to make a connection in the middle of every heart of every person who has practically killed themselves to get to a certain point in life, and a certain point of accomplishment. When it came right down to it, the connection was made through similar sacrifice.  The sacrifice, having been a college education for so long, was now going to be “the job,” because when one gives up their job in order to return to school, they give up the security blanket that they have clung to for so long, and they take out enough school loans (or however they do it) to live and to get that degree.  And that was her connection with me.  No, I hadn’t “given up” my job at the law firm yet.  In fact, I was still working during the day, going to school at night, raising a family, working on my third book (the second book not having been hailed three cheers from the publishing house), and standing in Borders trying to promote my first book. But the similar sacrifice, the connection, was in the fact that we were both “working on it,” simply working on a plan of action and then “just doing it.” 

I told God the other day, “God, all I know to do is to do.”  All I know is that I cannot remain idle.  You’ve got to admire whoever thought of that wonderful idea for Nike:  “Just do it!”  Wow! How phenomenal is that?  “Just do it!”  As of two weeks ago, I wasn’t in school anymore, but now I am; I’m working on finishing the degree that I originally began working on in 1993, and after that, I believe I’ll go to law school. How?  Well, I’ll simply answer that question like this:  somehow, someway, some day.  I’m going to Just Do It, and leave the details up to God.  And after much prayer and supplication to the Lord, may even you, in your own life, be “floored” by the miracles that happen along the way.


Nike said it best
When they said Just do it all
For the sake of sportsmanship
And answering that higher call
Whatever you are good at
Work until you are the best
Work harder even when
You are put to the test
Mountain biking hiking running,
Do you think that Michael Jordan
Stayed down the first time he
Did fall?
Do you think Mia Hamm
Gave up on her first try?
Do you think that she listened
When she heard soccer is for a guy
Do you think all the bench-warmers
All across the states
Will remain sitting when the coach says,
Get up to the plate
No I say No They will
Get up and give it their best shot
Because the thing about just doing it
Is giving it all you’ve got
And when you decide to just do it
Your success has already begun
Because taking that first step
Is a sign You’ve already won
And so I say just do it
But first give it to the LORD
And may the audience as they watch
Be truly truly floored

Warrior Moms,

Today, just do it! Do the next thing in front of you. Do what you know to do. Do yourself a favor though, don’t compare yourself to me or anyone else. Comparison is a trap. If you want to compare yourself to anyone, compare yourself to Jesus because He will “win” the comparison contest every time and leave you feeling loved and cared for. And whatever you do – “just do it” in love.


We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 2:4

Kristina Seymour loves to encourage and equip women through the Word and through community. She is the author of The Warrior Mom Handbook, The Warrior Mom Leadership Manual, and The Warrior Wife Handbook; they are available at Kristina's Bible studies are for women who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. She has learned that women can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about Kristina, please visit her website, loves to share His story of love and grace through us all, and Kristina believes that everyone has a story to tell.

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