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The Flood of God's Grace-Filled Will - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of October 3

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional


Moses hit a rock and water poured forth.

Nu 20:8“Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink.”

I have been praying for over a year that God would bring forth a flood from a boulder. When I pray this prayer, God knows that I know He is my rock. He is also the water, and the flood is in reference to His overflowing grace. It is within His grace-filled will that I desire to be saturated.

I have envisioned this water flooding the land that surrounds me. I imagine it covering everything, pouring over it with white caps and power and authority, nothing able to stand against it. I pray against ignorance and arrogance, especially my own. I find relief and peace in the thought of all things being saturated with the flood of God’s grace-filled Will. Several times a day for a few years now, I have envisioned a flood, Him – the Living Water, pouring forth from Him – the rock –  the boulder - and saturating every part of me and all my surroundings. I have prayed earnestly for a flood of His grace-filled will. This prayer has expanded to my family, friends, ministry partners, and also those who have persecuted me in some way.

This morning, I felt a press in my spirit. I felt like crying but had no reason. I felt a war going on within me and around me that I could not see. I knew that spiritual battles were being fought. I also knew that breakthrough was imminent. The Holy Spirit’s presence has come upon me in ways such as this and I have such an urgency to submit to Him and to praise Jesus that He intercedes and that He prays for things I don’t even know to pray for. This morning, I felt such a press. These times are almost more than my physical body can stand, but He has taught me to submit to the power of His perfect love. In so doing, I can withstand this spiritual pressure because He enables me to do so. I am always aware of this powerful battle when it rages within and around me. I’m also very aware when it lifts. The best way to describe it is a knowing that the physical and spiritual are colliding and I happened to be standing at the point of the crossroad of it all. Submission to the Holy Spirit, simultaneously praising Him, is the only way to withstand such an experience.

Not being able to stay in the house and be around people when all this was going on out of concern that I may just start crying and not be able to explain myself or that I may say something even too weird for my family to ignore, I went on a 4 mile walk-run. My plan was to repeatedly say, “I submit to you and I simultaneously praise You, Lord” for 4 miles.

About 2 miles into the journey, God showed me a vision of the flood! It was mighty and beautiful and massive. He said that the flood of His grace-filled will was here. He said it was all around and it was saturating the ground. Every part of me, every part of the earth around me, every part of people in my life and the ground around them. It was beautiful with white caps and swirling embodiments of variations of blue. The water was clear and gorgeous and refreshing and it was truly breathtaking in the spiritual realm. After He showed it to me He said, “Now, I want you to pray that I send the ships, the bridges, and the pilots to thrive in my grace-filled will.”

I understood the ships, bridges, and pilots as fellow saints fast after His heart and will, partners in service to accomplish His will. I continue to ask for revelation, but if you are reading this, I know you understand the meaning of the vision as well.

Essentially, the ships, bridges, and pilots represent the people, the circumstances, the provision, the way, the connections, the skill sets, the one’s that He has been preparing since before they or us were born – to accomplish His will on this time on this earth – for such a time as this – essentially – for a modern day coming together of the saints in such a powerful, sovereign, heavenly assignment way, that my mere attempt to capture it in words is falling dreadfully short right now – but to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is bringing the means to manifest His will now.

May we humbly yet boldly receive all that He has to do in, through, and ultimately for us as we seek Him and say loudly, “Here I am send me.”

Oh that we would join together in the assembly of angels who praise Him so loudly and beautifully right now – that the echoes from Heaven’s choir room would tingle across our tongues and thoughts and actions. May we be available to be the hands and feet of God right now, today, tomorrow, and always.

And may the saturation of His grace so fill us that whatever used to seem “big” or “horrible” or “exhausting” or “too big to comprehend” or “too much to digest” or “scary” or “so amazingly good that we can’t receive it” – may all of this be eradicated from our mindsets as we simply acknowledge His grace-filled-will all around us, simultaneously acknowledging and freely moving between the bridges, the ships, and the pilots’ airborne vehicles – moving freely between them all on the assignments He calls us to  - each moment – not bound by the physical tangible, but freely moving and existing in His grace – no longer bound, freely found in His grace-filled-will.

The vision God has given me causes me to be speechless, humble before God, in awe of who He is and who He is calling us to be – resting freely in His grace-filled-will.

To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

Kristina Seymour loves to encourage and equip women through the Word and through community. She is the author of The Warrior Mom Handbook, The Warrior Mom Leadership Manual, and The Warrior Wife Handbook; they are available at Kristina's Bible studies are for women who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. She has learned that women can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about Kristina, please visit her recently founded Share & Company Publishing House God loves to share His story of love and grace through us all, and Kristina believes that everyone has a story to tell.

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