What Does the Bible Say about Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings?

There is a lot of unknowns in the universe out there. Space is vast and we cannot explore all that is out there. There have been movies made about astronauts, sci-fi themes, and aliens. As believers, it is important to have a viewpoint on what we believe about extraterrestrial beings. Today we will be exploring, what does the Bible say about aliens.
What Does the Bible Say about Aliens?
Every time that you see the actual word alien or alienated in Scripture, it is referring to foreigner or outcasts, not an extraterrestrial. The word alien appears in Isaiah 28:21, referring to a task. The word alienate or alienated shows up four times in Scripture.
Other than these references of the word alien, there is no mention of an actual alien in the entire Bible. As a believer, the Scriptures anchor me in every area and belief in life. Since God does not include information on aliens, it is hard to say that they exist. For example, one might argue that the Bible does not directly tell of dinosaurs, but we know they existed. Job 40:15-24 and Job 41 describe what can be interpreted as dinosaurs. This would make sense because the book of Job is actually after Genesis 12 in chronological order. Dinosaurs could have been destroyed in the flood.
Whitney Hopler from Crosswalk shares, " Job 38:4-7 reports that extraterrestrial life (which God describes as “morning stars”) celebrated with joy when the Earth is created, but those extraterrestrials are likely angels.”
The problem with believing in aliens is that there is truly no concrete evidence that they have ever existed. Where scientists have discovered bones in archeological digs, there have never been alien remains on earth. As believers, we know that God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). So from a Christian standpoint, if an alien existed, it would only be because the Lord created it. He is the Creator of all things (Colossians 1:16). There is a lot of speculation about extraterrestrials. However, when we look at Scripture about God loving the world and sending His Son to die for the world, it can lead to the viewpoint that there is no life on other planets apart from the world that the Lord originally made.
When we focus on how humanity was formed in the image of God and how there is a story woven through the history of redemption, aliens seem like a manmade thought. The Lord intentionally created planet earth to sustain life. Everything in our universe is lined up to where only our planet has proven to be sustainable for life. In my mind, an alien is therefore no different from an elf, mermaid, or fairy. Just because we read books about them or see movies with them, it does not mean that it is a God-given reality. However, it could very much be man-made creativity.
I would be cautious believing in the concept of aliens, just because it distracts from the greater mystery with solid evidence of God the Creator. It is okay to have wonder and curiosity and to seek the Bible. However, biblically the idea of extraterrestrials is not supported. We can know though that if there are aliens or life somewhere on another planet, we can trust God. I would imagine that they would be more like angelic beings or spiritual beings. However, the main point is that we know that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.
Does the Existence of Aliens Negate the Creation Story?
Existence of aliens would not negate the truth of Christianity. Jesus is the only way to salvation. We are made in the image of God. The Lord is the Creator of all. The Bible is God-breathed and useful to us. If for some reason God made aliens somewhere else, then that is up to His sovereignty. However, I believe that the lack of Scriptural support deems that theory highly unlikely.
Are Aliens Demonic or Angelic Beings?
Perhaps someone has used the term alien before when encountering a demonic or angelic being? The spiritual realm is very present throughout the Scriptures. It is undeniable that there is spiritual activity in our world (i.e., Ephesians 6, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Romans 8:37-39). Someone could have become aware of a spiritual being and determined that it was an alien. I would question that if someone thought an alien was a demonic being, that maybe it is just a demonic being and not an alien at all.
Important Things for Christians to Know about Aliens
They are not supported by Scripture: Aliens are not specifically mentioned anywhere in the Bible.
It is a personal decision whether or not to watch shows or read about aliens. No matter what you decide, remember that it is classified as science fiction, and it is just imaginative and fun.
This is not a core issue: If someone believes in aliens and someone else does not, it is not a determining factor if one goes to Heaven. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. If two people have placed their lives and identify as saved by the blood of Christ, but they differ on this topic, there is no eternal consequence. I would encourage anyone no matter what they believe to research evidence and study the Bible as a guide on this subject and others like it.
There is no mention of aliens in Heaven: If aliens are out there in the universe, I would be under the impression that they are unredeemable because Jesus died for mankind since God so loved the world (John 3:16-17). There is no mention of aliens in Heaven, so again I would be hesitant to support their existence without biblical information. There are definitely some strange creatures (angels) described in the Bible. Cherubim (i.e., Genesis 3:24, Exodus 25:18-22, Ezekiel 10) and Seraphim (i.e. Isaiah 6:2) alone can cause you to be in awe.
Bible verses to help us understand God in the midst of questions regarding the universe include:
Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.”
Psalm 19:1 “To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
Psalm 8:3-4 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”
John 1:3 “All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
We were created with minds and have the capacity to think, study, and wonder. May we be encouraged more than any universal mystery to ponder the things of God and Who He is as our Creator and Lord of all. If we hyper-focus on a topic like aliens and spend our lives seeking answers on extraterritorial life out of this world, we miss the joy of seeking after Who we know to be true, Jesus. He is the glorious mystery that we can continually pursue and never fully comprehend. He is the One who we can invest in full confidence that He is Who He says that He is and that He will fulfill every promise. As we look at the stars in the sky and discover new concepts of outer space, may it spur us on all the more to glorify our God who is sovereign over all.
Photo credit: ©Unsplash/Jerremy Bishop
Originally published June 13, 2023.