Jesus is Not Your Homeboy
Jesus Is Not Your Homeboy
In the mid 2000′s the phrase “Jesus Is My Homeboy” started trending among evangelical Christians and began finding its way on t-shirts, hats, and other personal accessories. And while this cute term seems harmless and fun, you need to understand that it can actually be detrimental to your relationship with God.
Why You Ask?
Because Jesus deserves more honor and respect than the term “Homeboy” credits him. And while many people think this harmless term makes Jesus look more inviting to non-believers, the reality is that it’s actually presenting a fake presentation of who Jesus is. Yes, Jesus can be described as many different things, but I don’t think “homeboy” is something that magnifies the importance of his being.
Jesus is NOT your homeboy… He is your Father, your Savior, your Redeemer, your Rock, your Salvation, your Lord, your Christ, your Shield, your Protector, your Friend, and so on…
Is the phrase “Homeboy” wrong? No. But is the phrase “Homeboy” honoring? Not even close.
In everything we do we are called to show honor and respect to the one we call Savior. And while there are many names to describe the God of the universe, I don’t think homeboy should be one of them.
Originally published September 09, 2015.