Spiritual Life

Let Grace Capture You

David Jeremiah's new book Captured by Grace suggests that no matter where you run, God will chase after you.
Published Aug 04, 2006
Let Grace Capture You

The following is a report on the practical applications of David Jeremiah's new book, Captured by Grace.

Mistakes can lead you far away from God. But no matter where you run, God will chase after you, pursuing you with a love that never gives up. You’re never beyond the reach of His truly amazing grace.

Let grace capture you so can rest in God’s love. Here’s how:

* Know grace’s power. Realize that grace is powerful enough to overrule any kind of sin. Trust that grace will shine the light of God’s love into even the darkest corner of your heart. Remember that there is never any limit to God’s grace, and that it’s equally available to all who believe.

* Acknowledge your sin and repent. Recognize the reality of sin in your life, and genuinely repent so God will forgive you and pour His grace into your life. Thank God that He won’t punish you as you deserve, but instead offers you the gift of His grace. Know that you are totally contaminated by sin, yet also totally forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, so in that redemption you can stand before a holy God as if you live with utter purity and perfection.

* Accept the gift. Understand that there’s nothing you can ever do to earn grace. Know that God offers you grace completely for free, as an invaluable gift that He paid for in full through Jesus’ death on the cross. Don’t worry that you don’t merit His grace; know that He loves you unconditionally and offers grace to you because of His great love. Accept and embrace God’s gift of grace to you. Thank Him for it, and rejoice in it.

* Don’t take it for granted. Remember that grace isn’t cheap; it cost God dearly to offer it to you. Live with a constant appreciation for God’s kindness, patience, and forbearance toward you. Thank and praise God whenever He surprises you with His grace.

* Celebrate the access you have to God. Since grace has given you free access to God through Jesus, use every opportunity to build a close relationship with God. Pray often, and remember that nothing can ever separate you from God’s love.

* Notice grace at work in your challenges. Know that struggles plus grace equals transformation. Because of grace, tough times can make you stronger and wiser. Remember that tribulation leads to perseverance, perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope. List your current trials and temptations, then pray about each one. Trust God’s grace to help you overcome any problem you confront. Ask God to help you be aware of His presence with you at all times and in all situations. Realize that God wants to constantly bless you – not always with what you want, but always with what you need. Whenever you go through a challenge, ask God to give you His perspective on it and to use the experience to teach you what He wants you to learn from it. Know that God will cause everything in your life to ultimately work together for good purposes if you love Him. Understand that God won’t waste any of experiences as He works to move you toward His good goals for your life.

* Let grace inspire you to revere God and respect others. Live with a sense of awe as you notice grace at work in your life, and let that motivate you to worship God and remember that other people are made in His image.

* Give God the gift of sharing His message with others. Out of gratitude for the grace God has given to you, decide to give back to Him by sharing the gospel with your family members, friends, and other people you meet. Help others experience God’s grace for themselves.

* Surrender your agenda to see God’s dreams for you come true. Ask God to convert your personal ambitions into faithful ones that tie into His purpose for your life. Ask Him to cover your relationships with His grace, empowering you to be the kind of spouse, parent, child, friend, employee, sibling, etc. He wants you to be. Know that God wants to capture your whole life with His grace, so He will follow you until you follow Him.

* Know that God wants to use you. Don’t worry about your lack of any particular talent whenever God calls you to do something. Trust that, thanks to grace, He will empower you to do whatever He asks you to do, whenever He asks you to do it. Remember that He has used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary purposes throughout history. So be willing to serve!

* Ask “Why?” after blessings, not just tragedies. Realize that, while it’s natural to ask “Why me?” after experiencing a tragedy, the question is just as valid after God blesses you. Remember that no one deserves any blessing from God, since everyone is sinful. Thank God that He chooses to bless you anyway.

Adapted from Captured by Grace: No One is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God, copyright 2006 by David Jeremiah.  Published by Integrity Publishers, Brentwood, Tn.,www.integritypublishers.com. 

David Jeremiah is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, Ca., and chancellor of San Diego Christian College. He is also the founder of  Turning Point, a ministry committed to providing sound Bible teaching through national radio and television broadcasting around the world. He has authored numerous books, including Integrity Publisher’s Life Wide Open, My Heart’s DesireSearching for Heaven on Earth and Sanctuary.


Originally published August 07, 2006.