Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Looking Back with Thanks

  • Crosswalk.com Staff
  • Published Nov 21, 2003
Looking Back with Thanks

”We are thankful for life and the blessings it is filled with like watching our son, Matt, grow up, the sovereignty of God and sharing His grace in our lives with others. " ~~ Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell, wife Mel, and son Matt, Founders of Face the Fire Ministries. Brian is a Pentagon 9-11 Survivor

“I am most thankful for the strength that God gives me to live an abundant life and for the opportunities I've had this year to witness Him work in other people's lives and marriages the way He has in mine. Every time our family gathers around a holiday feast, I can't help but wonder what that holiday would be like had it not been for the Holy Spirit leading me out of my previous lifestyle of sexual and emotional compromise. As depressing as it may be for a moment to imagine where I would have ended up had I continued down that path of destruction, it actually is an encouraging reminder to look around and realize, 'Hey! I'm still here! I'm still married to this same wonderful man! I'm still a mom to these two beautiful children! I didn't blow it!' This fills me with gratitude for my Savior who died to rescue me from my selfish desires and for the Holy Spirit, who faithfully guides me down paths of integrity and genuine intimacy.” ~~ Shannon Ethridge, Author of Every Woman's Battle

”I am most thankful to be able to share the Thanksgiving holiday with my family. We do all the things that most families love to do on Thanksgiving – we eat, we watch football, we spend time together as a family. We also spend some time in the afternoon talking about what this season is all about and for everything we are thankful for. If a good family movie is coming out, since a lot of great movies release on Thanksgiving day, we’ll hit the movies together.” ~~ Steven Curtis Chapman


"Gratitude fills my heart. My Father God is magnificent beyond words and yet so tenderly personal. His Presence has been my Hiding Place, my Rock of Refuge and He has turned my Valley of Weeping into a Place of Blessing. HE is my blessing this Thanksgiving!” ~~  Linda Dillow, author of The Blessing Book

“I'm thankful for the struggle to have to pick from a list of blessings. They would certainly include; my wife Stephanie, three incredible children, and the life of Christ flowing through my books to unknown thousands. I love feeling wonderfully spent following ministry to others, bringing broken people to the heart of God.” ~~ Doug Herman, Author & Speaker, Pure Revolution


“I’m thankful that my wife has made the bold decision to be a stay-at-home mom. It stirs my gratitude to know that our children will be the eternal beneficiaries of this sacrifice. Time is the stuff life is made of. I’m thankful that my wife’s time, and most of my own, is spent where life really matters.” ~~ Ryan Rush, Author of Home on Time and founder of Home on Time ministries

"As I sit here I am thankful for hope, faithfulness and love. Firstly from God and then from people. I have been shown such love in my life, and I am not always easy to love. I can be disrespectful, angry, arrogant and selfish, and yet God, and those that are driven by His love, have shown me incredible love. Thank you God, and thank you friends, for never giving up on me." ~~ Paul Colman, recording artist.


"I've been freshly reminded of what the grace of God really is. I was moved to tears recently when I realized anew that God had no obligation to save me and that I had nothing to commend myself to Him. All I contributed to my salvation was the sin from which He saved me. There are no words to express my gratitude for His saving grace." ~~ Don Whitney, author of Simplify Your Spiritual Life