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2002 Teen Leadership Camps at Patrick Henry College

  • Updated Jan 31, 2002
2002 Teen Leadership Camps at Patrick Henry College

In the summer of 2001, Patrick Henry College established a summer camp program designed for teens who were exploring how they could become leaders who would make a difference in our nation and culture. More than 400 students came to four different weeks of camp. They came representing 45 states and two foreign nations: Belgium & Germany. They came to learn how to apply their biblical worldview to the issues of today.

Summer 2002 promises another enriching experience for teens who desire to be people who lead our nation and shape our culture. Seven different camps will be offered throughout the summer on the campus of Patrick Henry College. PHC is located in historic northern Virginia, just an hour from Washington, DC. Patrick Henry College students serve as camp counselors and campers will sleep in the dorms, eat in the dining hall, and attend chapel.

Campers will spend time in informative workshops and classroom sessions taught by PHC faculty and other experts in the field. Your camp experience will also include outings to nearby historical sites, monuments, and centers of American government. You will also have many opportunities to interact with others who share the same vision as you do and build lasting friendships with other future leaders of tomorrow.

If you desire to grow in your faith, impact your culture for Christ, and learn more about our nation's founding, history, and how to communicate more effectively, then come and experience Teen Leadership Camp this summer.


June 2-8: Constitutional History and Original Intent
Alan Snyder, Scott Somerville, and Mike Farris
Two centuries ago, a few courageous colonists took their stand against a "long train" of English "abuses and usurpations." They pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to preserve their birthright from a King who broke his sacred promises and a Parliament that ignored its limits. Once they won their freedom, these men who fought and feared tyranny sat down to design a new government that would be a servant of the people, not their master. Study the life and work of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and visit Monticello and Montpelier, their homes. If you believe in a limited federal government, PHC’s Constitutional History and Original Intent week will show how we can translate our Founders' vision into today's reality!

June 9-15: Constitutional Law
Scott Somerville and Mike Farris
During this action-packed week, you will get an in-depth look at the foundational document of our American republic. Experienced law professors will teach you the structure of our Constitution, analyze important Supreme Court decisions, and relate them to the relevant constitutional issues of our day. Your classroom experience will prepare you to identify and solve significant constitutional problems through exciting interactive exercises. Your week includes field trips to Congress, as well as the monuments and museums of DC. If you are considering a future in constitutional law, or simply want to understand the principles that make our nation free, PHC’s Basic Constitutional Law week will be time well-spent!

June 16-22: Constitutional Law in the Courtroom
Scott Somerville and Mike Farris
Can the government break the law? In a constitutional republic like America, even the government is subject to law. Constitutional lawyers help to keep America free by keeping the government within its limits. Under the guidance of practicing constitutional lawyers, you will discover just how citizens defend their civil rights in the courts. By the end of the week, you will be citing Supreme Court cases as you take sides in your own constitutional courtroom drama. The week’s excitement includes visits to the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress, plus the monuments and museums of Washington, DC. If you dream of fighting for freedom in the courtroom some day, PHC’s Constitutional Law in the Courtroom is a must!

June 23-29: American History - The Critical Moments
Alan Snyder and Mike Farris
Recapture the turning points in American history, those moments that helped determine the future of the Republic - for good or ill! Revisit the spirit of the Pilgrim Fathers and the fervor of the men who established this nation. Then examine how a Civil War tested the resolve of a nation that had begun a mere "four score and seven years" before. Travel into the twentieth century and see how a worldview revolution changed America’s concepts of law and government, of the nature of man, and how he should be educated. Discover the major shifts that took place during Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, and ask yourself what must be done to reestablish America’s Biblical roots. During this week, we will travel not only to Washington, DC, but to Gettysburg to ponder the meaning of the sacrifices of so many who fought for an American vision. If you love American history, or if you need to know how it all fits together, this is the week for you!

July 7-13: Journalism
Robert Ziegler and Mike Farris
Experience the chance to simulate a real-life journalistic setting, including the production of an issue of a newspaper. This camp will create a virtual news world right on the campus of PHC, with two competing newspapers charged with discovering, reporting on, and writing about developing news stories. Attendees will also be able to interact with and learn from people in various journalism capacities in the Washington DC and political/government arenas. If journalism stirs your blood, this is the camp you need to attend.

July 14-20: Political Activism
Stan Watson and Mike Farris
Political change. Many people talk about it. Most people desire it. But how do we bring it about? If you want to make a difference in the political realm, then the Political Activism Camp is for you. During this action-packed week you will get to meet and learn from the movers and shakers in the political realm - members of Congress, heads of national activist groups, elected officials in state government, and influential government staffers fighting for change. Some will be coming to the campus to speak to you, others you will meet during exciting field trips to the halls of power in Washington where you will see politics in action. You will learn from their mistakes and be inspired by their victories. You will be enlightened by their insights on the workings of the policy process, be equipped to be an agent of change yourself and participate in mock elections and a mock legislative session. It will be a jam-packed week of exploring the many facets of political activism.

July 21-August 3: Debate (special two-week camp)
Heather Smith and Mike Farris
With the challenges of a post-modern society, one’s ability to effectively communicate his/her beliefs becomes increasingly important. In no other forum is verbal and mental jousting more challenging than in academic debate. The PHC Debate Camp will not only serve to improve your speaking skills, but will also sharpen your ability to formulate a coherent argument. Classes will emphasize debate theory, case construction, refutation, and strategy. Students will have access to over 45 electronic databases (indexes, abstracts, and full-text). Extensive affirmative and negative evidence will be provided to each student.

The camp will offer two divisions. Placement in these divisions will be based upon each student’s knowledge and skills. The Novice Division is for students with little experience who seek to improve their basic skills or for those students with no experience at all. The Open Division is for students who have attended at least one state tournament. Students in the Open Division will be exposed to advanced theory and work intensively on developing arguments relevant to the resolution. A typical day will include theory instruction and lab workgroups. Each lab leader has competed in the NCFCA league and is committed to providing a constructive educational environment for you. At the end of the two-week study, the Camp will host a tournament that will serve to test the student’s abilities and knowledge.

For more information about the camps and to find out how to register, visit the Patrick Henry College Web site.