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Strong In Purpose

  • Sue Brage
  • Published Jun 15, 2004
Strong In Purpose

"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring;
The rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength"
(Psalms 84:5-7 NKJ)

I love success stories!  The businessperson or athlete or coach who achieves great things against great odds—they always inspire me.  The strength of character and commitment to excellence in these people is admirable. 

One thing is consistent in these people's lives: they seem to know not only how to focus and avoid distractions; they also know what to focus on!  The goal or prize they are striving for—not last week's loss, mistake, or failure.  They "keep their eyes on the prize."  It's as Paul said in Philippians 3:14 "I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize…" (TLB).  They know their purpose and run toward it with all their might.  As we study this month's word—strength—I believe we can learn to be strong in these areas too, and to live our own "success stories"!

When it comes to homeschooling, we need to be strong in purpose.  To do something purposefully, according to Webster's, means "resolutely aiming at a specific goal; directed toward a specific end, not meaningless."  I want to challenge you to become stronger and more resolute when it comes to your vision, expectations, and purposes regarding your children. 

God has laid out a perfect plan for your children and their education.  He knows the "end from the beginning" (Isaiah 46:10).  That's the way God operates.  Although we can't see the entire picture, I believe we can develop an idea of God's plan for our children and move toward that end.  This is what we need to focus on, not the day-to-day battles we face.  Focusing on the struggles is the fastest way to get discouraged and lose our strength! 

Our verse says we can go from strength to strength.  That means we can move past our moments of frustration and disappointment to a place of new strength where we are able to handle things in a more positive way.  I don't know about you, but I want to be strong emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  I want to glide through life unrattled and unintimidated by the "hardness" of life.  Proverbs 31:25 describes it this way: "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future"  (NASU).  I encourage you to memorize this verse and make it your prayer!

Prayer/Confession: Lord, I thank you that strength and dignity are mine!  I ask you to strengthen me in my resolve and commitment to do all your will when it comes to my children and their education.  Reveal to me the plans you have for my children and help me to set my heart on those things, forgetting what lies behind, and to go to a new level of strength in Jesus' name.  Amen
(Prov. 31:25; Eph. 3:16; Phil. 3:12-14)

A homeschooler for over 14 years, Sue Brage is known as "The Homeschool Encourager." She speaks and writes to hundreds of homeschoolers and currently writes a weekly email devotional called Weekly Word.  She is also a full-time writer for an international ministry in the Denver area. To receive your free e- devotional, or for more information about her ministry, please visit her website,