Christian Parenting and Family Resources with Biblical Principles

An Ordinary Home Can Be a Holy Place!

  • Chuck Swindoll
  • Published May 21, 2001
An Ordinary Home Can Be a Holy Place!

The word holy means "set apart" for a specific purpose – like the linen and silverware you use only on holidays. As a place where the truth about God and His word is modeled, your home can be a holy place – set apart for His children to grow. "Our home? Holy?" Yes! But...

it starts at the top.

Deciding to make your home a holy place begins with you and your spouse's choice to make your relationship with the Lord a part of your everyday lives. Welcome Him into every conversation, decision, and relationship that crosses your threshold. When you pray together, remember the little things. Remember too, spiritual talk isn't reserved for Sunday. In fact, many times...

it happens at the dinner table.

In between "pass the carrots" and "chew with your mouth closed, please" often comes the opportunity to talk about how you and your children's lives are different because you love God. As a parent, why not share something you're learning in your Bible study or through your prayer life? Invite your kids to contribute too – you might be surprised at how God is working in their hearts. But remember...

it takes a good eye

to spot significant junctions in your children's spiritual maturity. What are their worries? Their questions about life provide perfect prompts to talk spiritual issues. These teachable moments come when you least expect them. Sometimes they're cleverly wrapped in traffic jams or waiting rooms, over a mound of dishes in the sink or at a checkerboard breakfast table. The important moments happen when you model your relationship with God as a natural part of your daily lives. At these pivotal moments...

it matters what you say

and how you say it. If your tone of voice changes every time you say spiritual words, your kids will conclude that your relationship with God is fake too. Be real. Let your conversation with God be as natural as talking with them about their friends and family members. Encourage their questions, even if you don't know the answers. They won't mind you not knowing, if you can discover the answer together in God's Word. And while we're talking about talking...

it matters how you pray.

When you became a parent, you decided from that moment on to let your heart run around outside your body. At times, the only communications that can reach your children are the conversations you have with God about them. As you pray, think through their day. What challenges do they face? Pray for their strength as you iron their shirts; pray for their health as you fix them nourishing meals. Plead for their protection as you watch them with their friends. Pray for them with your spouse after you tuck them in at night. The result will be...

growing closer to God as a family.

As parents, decide to be a spiritual influence in your home—setting it apart as a place where your relationship with God is as real as the kitchen sink. Together, serve God as you serve each other—with an honest attentiveness and a willingness to be involved in every family member’s growing awareness of God's plan for their lives.

Excerpted from Growing Closer to God, Insight for Living Press, 2001. To purchase this book, call your local Insight for Living office or visit

From Insights Newsletter Vol. 10, No. 3. March 2000.
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