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Moments for Mom: Christ's Passion the Ultimate "Entering In"

  • Elisabeth K. Corcoran
  • Published Feb 23, 2004
Moments for Mom: Christ's Passion the Ultimate "Entering In"

Entering in. This phrase has been lingering in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. I have watched on three occasions recently the same lesson unfold in three very different ways. When I think of 'entering in', I think of boldness and gentleness intertwined. I think of an un-self-consciousness and an other-awareness blending together. I think of compassion and risk merging to bring forth something really beautiful.

A month or so ago, I was a long-distant witness of someone close to me being put through a trauma. This person is even closer to my husband and I watched him, with such humility and strength, enter into this hurting person's circumstances. She lives in another country and within hours, my husband was on a plane to be with her - his sister.

He didn't think of what he might find on the other side, what condition his sweet sister could be in - how uncomfortable that might be for him. He went there to be masculine strength when she needed it most. He entered in boldly and gently; with thoughts only of her, not of himself; with such desire to just be there for her, despite the pain he was feeling. What courage that took. I was so proud of him in those moments.

In the midst of that same situation, I had a friend who entered in to my circumstances. Not that my sister-in-law's situation is about me...but the effects were like ripples washing over me when something is dropped into the water...and I found myself going under. This friend entered in...she brought me lemon bars of all things (because she knows I love her lemon bars), and she brought me a hug. She called me every day my husband was away just to check in. She brought us a meal when he got home. And when I was at my lowest point, she brought the gentlest of rebukes to get me back on track. She entered in boldly and gently, with thoughts of the pain I was experiencing, yet a desire to not let me move too far away from the only One who could really hold me up.

I told her afterwards that I could write a whole book on friendship just through what she had done for me during that two-week period. Our friendship had already been strong...but the way she took care of my heart and soul, that just cemented it. I am so glad she risked my anger turning towards her and entered in.

And then last week, I had the unbelievable honor and privilege to be a part of a pre-screening of Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion of the Christ". Words cannot fully express what I felt during those two hours and what I have felt since. But I realized that Jesus made the ultimate act of 'entering in'. He went with gentleness and boldness, with no thought of Himself, just us - to the cross. He went where He did not have to go...but where He knew we needed Him to go. I was so struck by all He took for us. "He was wounded for our transgressions..."

Oh to be able to fully understand the implications of 'wounded'. What He entered in for me...what He entered in for you...we will never be able to completely comprehend or to repay or to show our gratitude for sufficiently. I just kept thinking as I watched this epic - '...I am so sorry...' and '...thank You so much....' He didn't have to enter in for you or me...but, ladies, He did. He did.

© Elisabeth K. Corcoran, 2004

Elisabeth K. Corcoran is the author of Calm in My Chaos: Encouragement for a Mom's Weary Soul. She is wife to Kevin for over ten years, and mom to Sara, 7, and Jack, 5-&-1/2. Her passion is encouraging women which she fulfills that through heading up the Women's Ministries on staff at Blackberry Creek Community Church in Aurora, IL and writing and speaking as much as her schedule allows. Calm in My Chaos (2001) can be purchased directly through her publisher, Kregel Publications at #1-888-644-0500 or, at, or through your local Christian bookstore. This column is original and not excerpted from her book.