Christian Parenting and Family Resources with Biblical Principles

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Pre-op Moments

  • Dan Seaborn
  • Published Jan 17, 2003
Pre-op Moments

That Tuesday morning we were in the pre-operation area. The nurses had checked all of Alan's vital signs, and people in hospital garb had peeked, poked and prodded at every inch of his little body. As we continued to wait for surgery, my wife pulled out one of Alan's favorite books and began to read. I positioned myself against the wall and listened to her lovely voice. It was so peaceful and soothing that we became distracted from our troubles and lost track of why we were there in the first place. When the doctor arrived to say it was time to go, Alan rubbed his eyes and said, "I was enjoying that so much I forgot where we were." The hospital staff wheeled him off as Jane and I chuckled about how caught up he was in the story. But the story had an effect on us as well; without immediately noticing, a calmness had settled over our anxious hearts too and we were experiencing peace. Certainly, the Lord had visited us that morning.

Often the tension and pressure in our homes can build to a level that makes us restless and on edge. But it we take the time to listen, we can always find the calming voice of God, bringing His peace to us. Colossians 3:15 emphasizes, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

To apply this scripture to our hearts, make sure you set aside a few moments and think about the things that are bringing turmoil or strife to your life. How are you dealing with those circumstances and what steps are you taking to make sure you find Christ's peace in the middle of them?

I personally find it helpful to go to a quiet place near a lake where we live to relax and focus on the Lord and read His Word. It's there that much of the turmoil that I face is erased. You might find it helpful to do the same. Find a peaceful, quiet place and simply spend some time reading the Lord's Word or singing praises and praying to him. It's when we find our value in Christ that the issues of this world tend to slide into their appropriate spot.

How thankful I am for His peace! To know that He is with me in all the big and little anxieties of my life, calming my fears-this is too wonderful for words!

Some thoughts you might ponder for your family:
1. Who creates the tension in your home and what are you going to do to change that?
2. What positive steps can be taken to eliminate the tension?
3. What situation is looming before you today that you fear or dread and makes you need to seek Christ's peace?