Rainy Day Activities the Whole Family Can Enjoy

It’s that time of year when it’s still chilly outside and either rain or snow is falling from the sky. If you live up north, you may find yourself snowed in. Gulp! The claustrophobic side of me just shuttered a little bit. However, if you’re a Sothern gal like me, you may encounter crazy weather that it sticky and humid one day and cold and drizzly the next.
So, what do you do when the outside is keeping you indoors and the kids are restless and getting a tinge of cabin fever? Well, here are a few ways you can prep now for those days and have a game plan for when everyone is screaming, “I’m bored” or in desperate need of getting out some nervous energy.
Have a Rainy Day Basket
When my girls were younger and rainy days came, I had a fun basket that we would pull out. It had coloring books, crafts, markers, playdough, glitter, and fun scissors. The dollar store was my one stop shop for these items and I had to re-supply it often during rainy seasons. But, it was a life saver some days!
This basket also included activities we didn’t usually do, making them fun, exciting, and novel. Let’s just say we didn’t (and still don’t) play with playdough or use glitter around here too often, but when the rainy day blues hit, we would pull out that basket that contained playdough, and their little eyes would lite up!
Now they have grown into teenagers, and while my youngest still loves the play dough and glitter in the rainy day basket, my teens don’t find that as appealing. Henceforth, making me change it up a bit as I have added a few things in the basket just for them, like paint by number or crochet kits. In other words, you can change it up as they grow.
20 Rainy Day Activities
In all honesty, after the first few times the rainy day basket isn’t as novel, or like me, you forget to fill it back up and pull it out only to find markers that are all dried up and pitiful torn and tattered coloring books. What is a momma to do?
Don’t fret. Try some of these activities to keep the family from going stir crazy. You can also write these down on index cards and put them in the rainy day basket. Then they can pull one out for the family to do… the options are endless. Just have fun with it and turn those rainy day blues to happy hues!
Play Board Games – Let the good times roll.
Make a Fort – Gather all the pillows and blankets and get some heavy-duty clips to hold it all together. Just know that most likely the kids will be sleeping in that for at least a week!
Bake Something Together– Besides it being yummy the house will just smell delicious. If you’re stuck indoors, that’s a plus!
Have a Movie-Thon – Whether it’s the Marvel movies for the teens or the Princess movies you’re your tiny tot, snuggle up close and make memories.
Do a Puzzle – This is great to do with flashlights for when the electricity goes out.
Create a Scavenger Hunt – This is always a fun activity. Have the kids go on a hunt for a special “surprise” at the end. Maybe a piece of candy or a coupon to get a hug. Simply sweet fun!
Have a Pillow Fight – Let the laughter begin with a playful pillow fight.
Paint Your Nails – Or toenails… or both. If you are like my girls, you’ll have a different color for each toe and finger, so this may take a while. On long rainy days looking to kill time, this is perfect!
Read Books – Get cozy under some blankets and read some of your favorite stories together.
Create a Comforting Lunch – When hunger strikes, but there isn’t much in the kitchen or you’ve lost power, create a “camping style” meal. Heat up a fire pit and in a dutch oven make a comforting soup like chicken and dumplings or chicken noodle soup. Yum!
Throw a Tea Party – Bake some goodies like scones and cookies and then put on a pot of tea. Be sure to raise those pinkies and use your manners. If you’re really wanting to go all in, break out the fine china!
Do a Dance Off – Crank up the tunes and feel the beat. Everyone picks a song and dances. Who’s got the best moves?
Play School – School may be out for the weekend or a rainy day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play school.
Sing Karaoke – Let’s hear it. Break out those voices and belt out your favorite tunes.
Do Indoor Gym Class – From running around the couch ten times to doing fifteen jumping jacks and twenty sit ups, sometimes everyone just needs to get some energy out! Moms and Dads included.
Get Organized – That junk drawer in the kitchen and the laundry room could use a little organization, who’s in?
Play Dress Up and Put on a Play – Sing, dance, act. Do it all in one theatrical performance.
Camp Indoors – That’s right set up a tent in the living room and let the memories begin!
Make a Scrapbook – Now you have the time to do something with all those pictures. Let the family pitch in to make a fun memory book.
Switch Up Stories – Sit in a circle and somebody starts a story. In 10-15 seconds, the next person adds to it, and so on. Our last switch up story had a princess eat a frog and fly into the sky towards heaven on a magical dragon. Ha!
Get Out Anyways
Some days the walls begin to close in, and everyone just needs to get outside, regardless of the wet weather. You can always throw on the rain boots and jump in puddles (or snow) or sing in the rain (or snow). But if getting wet and muddy isn’t something that sounds intriguing to you or your family, hop in the car and seek out these indoor activities that may pique your interest.
Plan ahead by checking your local area now (before the rainy day) to see what sights and activities are available. Then make a list to have on hand for when a rainy day comes. That way when the kids begin getting restless, you’ll be prepared and have a few tricks up your sleeve with a few outings to venture off to.
Visit a Museum
Go Rock Climbing – Indoors
Try Indoor Sky Diving
Go to the Movie Theater
Shop ‘Til You Drop at the Mall
Get Your Game on at an Indoor Game Place
Visit an Indoor Trampoline or Jump Park
Hang Out at a Friend’s House
Hit up a Local Book Shop
Grab and Snack or Coffee at Local Bakery
Take in the Beauty at an Art Gallery
Check out a Skating Rink- Ice or Roller-Skating
Try out a New Restaurant
Here Comes the Sun
Rainy and bad weather days can bring bit of stress to any parent, especially if children are glued to their phones or climbing up the walls with nervous energy, itching to go outside. But the good news is, the sun will eventually come out! And hopefully, some of these ideas will help you put a little fun into a day that can be often overshadowed with gloomy dark clouds, booth figuratively and literally.
Photo Credit: ©Getty/Catherine-Falls-Commercial
Originally published February 01, 2023.