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Single Moms, It's Time to Get Serious About Your Health

  • Donna Stanger staff writer for Hope & Help for the Single Mom
  • Published Apr 14, 2004
Single Moms, It's Time to Get Serious About Your Health

Okay, so we've let the first quarter of the year go by already and the New Year resolutions have already been forgotten, or possibly not even started with yet! It's time to start realizing the importance of your physical health, taking care of our bodies, the temple that God has given us.

As single moms we need to be around for as long as possible for our children.And even though as they get older and they may are testing their own independence, whether they admit to it or not, they need us, and want us within phone's reach.

We need to protect our health now, with eating right and plenty of exercise.

The stresses of our day will continually chip away at us unless we learn to rest, relax and keep our earthly bodies running well. God has given us a very special gift called endorphins. The best way they function is by constant movement or exercise. So often we may feel that we are just too tired to even think about exercise, but the fact is, though it's hard to believe at first, the more you exercise, the more energy you'll have.

Need the motivation? Or just can't do it alone? There are many churches today that offer exercise classes at their locations. Find a friend or neighbor who will work out with you or just go for walks. Cancer, heart attacks and strokes are often related to continual amounts of stress that has not been released from the body. Release the stress, don't keep it in; it only invites sicknesses to take over your body and your health.

Being around for our children in a healthy way is of utmost importance to God. He wants you to take care of the temple He has given you so your children learn to take care of the temple He has given them. What a wonderful opportunity it would be for you to exercise together with your children. This would allow their endorphins to kick in and improve their daily outlook and behavior as well.

When we are physically healthy, we become more emotionally healthy, and our outlook is more cheerful and optimistic. Better decisions are made, our minds are clearer and we breathe more effectively which is very important for our bodies to function properly.

And please remember to eat healthy foods too. Fast food typically relates to fast fat on our bodies. Think on this also, even though this may be the furthest thought from your mind right now, do you want to be able to get down on your hands and knees someday to play joyfully with your grandchild?

Okay so we are now into the second quarter of the year. It is still April, you can start right now. Have you planned your yearly physicals with your doctor? Put it on your "taking better care of mom" list. What activities do you and your children enjoy? Don't just take them to their ball practices or dance lessons, find the time to fit yourself in there too with physical activity. They need to see that it's important for mom also! Your children will be glad you did (even if they do not tell you so).

Lori Little,
A Woman By Design ministry's founder, is the former Director of John C. Maxwell's THRiVE!, Becoming A Woman Of Influence. A major focus of Lori's ministry is the Hope and Help for the Single Mom initiative. Lori is very pleased to be a new contributor to Crosswalk and will be publishing articles regularly in the Parenting and Family sections of the site. Also watch for Lori's book Hope and Help for the Single Mom, by Waterbrook Press, in 2005.

For suggestions and gift ideas, Hope and Help for the Single Mom has several CD packages to select from that offer meaningful messages, helpful advice and loving encouragement for every single mom. To inquire about and order the CD packages, call 1-888-430-HOPE, or visit the website at:

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