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What Are You Thankful For?

  • Readers
  • Published Nov 19, 2003
What Are You Thankful For?

As we observe Thanksgiving Day, a special day set aside for giving thanks to God, we asked Crosswalk readers what they'll be giving thanks to God for this year.  We invite you to read and be inspired by their answers.

I am most thankful this year to my Heavenly Father because I was able to home school my 10-year-old daughter. Not every day has been easy, but I would not trade it for the world. We have shared so many things I know I have been missing out on.
– Susan C.
Wilmington N.C.

The thing I am most thankful for is my life.  I am a cancer survivor.
– Barbara F.
Glencoe, Okla.

Having all of the family together.  I'm thankful for Jesus Christ, The Holy Word, The Holy Spirit, family/friends and all the Lord has allowed us to go through to become like Him.
– Janet F.

Our family is most thankful that God gave His Son for us and that through that grace we all have the gift of eternal life.  Thanksgiving is a special day to reflect on the freedom we have to worship in America, and to pray for and remember those around the world that are in persecution, that they would one day have religious freedom also.
– Cindy B.

The blessings of the last 6 months, financially and spiritually. He has and continues to supply all our needs.
– Toni S.
Evanston, Wyo.

I am most thankful this Thanksgiving for my family and the many blessings we have been giving through the years.
– Connie C.

I am thankful that our family is together this Thanksgiving since my husband is in the military! 
– Janee B.
Woodbridge, Va.

I am thankful for the baby that is developing inside me, and that I am no longer so sick to enjoy being pregnant.  I am thankful for my husband who is such a wonderful man of God, and so grateful God sent him to me.  I am thankful that we are not in need, and that God has always been faithful to take care of us.  I am thankful, that I know Jesus, especially since I wasn't raised to know Him, yet He made me His.

– Kristina R.
Lake Havasu City, Ariz.

My most fervent thanks is my family.  I am so blessed with everything I have, especially my family.  We enjoy being together, even though we home school; we do not like being away from each other very long.
– Elaine Y.

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?  Definitely my health.  But that answer seems lame when I am praying for at least two young people and three adults with cancer.  The other day during our prayer time, I mentioned to my kids the analogy of sin is to the heart as cancer is to the body.  They are 5 and 7 years old, and they understand that their friend, Jacob, is very sick because of this disease.  Sin makes our hard-hearted hearts ugly and sickly.  Jacob's chemo treatments seem not to be working.  But when Jesus cleans our hearts, He makes us righteous in God's eyes.  Chemo may or may not work on cancer patients.  But Jesus helps every time!  He forgives, and He makes my heart clean -- whiter than snow.  THAT'S what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving!
– Tim and Cheryl S.
Ashland, Wis.

I'm most thankful for peace and learning discipline to live within my limits.  And my loved ones.
– Angela S.
Garland, Texas

That is very hard to narrow it down to a "most," but I think it would have to be that my entire family knows and lives for our Lord and Savior.  We were not raised in a Christian home, however, we were raised knowing about God and we practiced good morals.  When my parents became Christians, I was the only child left at home, and I was a teen by then.  Within six months of my parents' salvation experience, all three of my sisters and their husbands, and myself came to know the Lord.  Since that time (23 years ago), all of our children have also accepted Jesus as their Savior and are living a life for Him.  The older nieces and nephews have found Godly mates and are continuing on through the generations.  This Thanksgiving, we will have 23 family members around the table all with like minds and faith.  PRAISE GOD!
– Kim G.
Northglenn, Colo.

The thing I'm most thankful for is having a husband that now knows Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  He was not "saved" when we married, but accepted the gift of Jesus several years ago.  The difference in him, our marriage and how we're now raising our son is unfathomable.  I know that there are other women that have prayed and are still praying for their husbands, that have been a much better example of a Godly wife.  I don't know why God allowed my husband to be saved and not theirs, but I am so, so thankful to Him!
–Lisa H.
Saint Augustine, Fla.

I am most thankful that my dad, H.C. "Bob" Grable, was my father. He went home to be with Jesus, (whom he adored and served all of my life and his) on June 26, 2003, left behind a wife of 55 years, Rita, and an adoring and loving family.  He, needless to say, was a great man of God, who loved greatly.  Jesus just couldn't stand to be without him any longer.  I would watch him worship his Lord (me being in the choir); he would be sitting in a pew on the front row, with his hands clasped, eyes closed, and sing as hard as he could with a huge smile on his face.  He couldn't stand long because of a hip injury and congestive heart failure.  I will sure miss seeing him, (tear), but know in my heart he is in heaven standing and singing unhindered by his body, worshipping the Lord!  My first memory of daddy was him making rocking boats for the church nursery when I was three, and he was still making things for the church his last year alive, which was a "replica of Noah's ark" for VBS.
– Robin Z.

I am thankful that God has healed my wonderful son, Ryan, from kidney failure and serious eye complications.  He is so faithful, and I am so thankful.  I am thankful that I am seeing signs that my other son, Adam, is turning back to the Lord.  He is 21.  I am thankful my husband was able to find another job with the same company he has worked with for over 30 years, even though the Germans had taken it over and his old job was being eliminated.   am thankful to my Lord for giving me a "second" chance over and over!  He is ever patient, ever faithful, ever loving.  I am thankful that I was born in the great country of the United States of America and that I have the freedom to worship my Jesus without fear.  I am thankful for those men and women who put there lives on the line every day, defending our country, our beliefs, our standards -- the military, the police, the firemen/women.
– Susan B.

I am most thankful to God this year that my husband has a job.  My husband has been laid off every 3 years in our 13 1/2 years of marriage.  We just found out that his job will only be around for 8-14 months more.  I am thankful God has given him time to find a new one.  I know God will help my husband once again in providing for his family, so I can stay home and bring the children up in God.
– Sharee P.

I am so thankful that the Lord put all these people in my life.  I was very close to my mother and when she passed away my heart was broken.  I know she's in a better place and cancer free!!
– Kristi K.

This Thanksgiving, we are most thankful for the life and mobility of our oldest son, whose life and mobility were spared this summer when he broke his neck in an accident.  He is still taking treatments for his neck, but we are thanking God that he is with us and healthy.
– The Beals Family