Clueless Blue's Clues Angers Discerning Parents

  • Bob DeMoss Columnist
  • Updated Jun 08, 2021
Clueless <em>Blue's Clues</em> Angers Discerning Parents

The Wizards of Smart at Nickelodeon decided to turn "Blue"—the cute and cuddly animated star of Blue's Clues and You, into an indoctrination tool of the radical left. What better way to both kickoff President Joe Biden's proclaimed gay pride month and manipulate the minds of preschoolers than with an animated drag queen hosting "The Blue's Clues Pride Parade Sing-Along."

In 1998, Nick Jr.'s perennial favorite pawed its way up to become the #1 rated preschool show, gaining more than 4.6 million weekly viewers ages 2-5. Today, as previously reported by Christian Headlines, child advocates and parents are singing the blues over a dancing drag queen leading children, as one activist reporter said, "on a three-minute journey through the magic of embracing the queer family in all of its multifaceted glory."

This family-redefining agenda piece leverages colorful characters, coupled with the catchy and classic "The Ants Go Marching" tune, to manipulate children—some still in diapers, into embracing alternative definitions of what makes a family. Real-world drag queen and activist Nina West voices the "character who leads a slew of characters in an LGBTQ+ parade" and "notes different kinds of family structures, including those with nonbinary and transgender members."

When Nickelodeon company executives decided to betray the trust of parents by throwing the traditional definition of the family to the dogs, they invited Lindz Amer, alternate lifestyle advocate, to lead the charge. Amer is an activist who specializes in "queer all-ages digital media" such as the Queer Kid Stuff video series. Amer, who considers herself non-binary, preferring they/them pronouns, consulted on Nick's agenda-driven video.

Amer said, "My main goals were twofold: to try my best to bring specificity to the video, that's where the song's vocabulary came in using words like queer, trans, non-binary, ace, pan and bi. And second, to expand the definition of family as it applies to the queer community."

It's time for parents to awaken to the fact that the big dogs in Hollywood have painted a bullseye on their babies' heads. They do not share our Judeo-Christian values and are determined to inculcate children with a warped view of human sexuality. They will stop at nothing to get the job done. Indeed, our cultural landscape is being transformed into a bad dream of nightmarish proportions before our eyes through what I call "the fourth center of learning."

There was a time in American history when the primary centers of learning were three in number: the school, the church and the home. If your child was placed in a suitable school, if he was involved in a good church program, and given the fact that you supervised what was taking place at home, you could rest assured that your bases were covered. Your morals and values would be taught, if not at least respected.

Today, however, there is a fourth center of learning: the world of popular entertainment personified in a rambunctious chorus of "voices" made up of the music industry, television and film industries, advertisers, the Internet, comic books, video games, streaming services, APPS, and the news media. Even though these pied pipers come wrapped in the innocent package called "entertainment," each platform is capable of transmitting values, morals, ideologies, and attitudes about life often at odds with your core values. Worse, they accomplish this in bigger-than-life terms.

This combination of education and entertainment is what I called edutainment.

My experience working with children would indicate that they are frequently more tuned into these voices than their classroom instruction, the church, or their home. Hard to believe? Take, for instance, a survey conducted by the National Coalition on Television Violence of 100 students, ages ten to thirteen, in the suburb of Champaign, Illinois. They discovered that Freddy Krueger (the slasher film star from Nightmare on Elm Street) was better known than many famous American leaders. Brace yourself: 66 percent could correctly identify Freddy Krueger, while only 36 percent knew that Abraham Lincoln was a United States president.

This is why parents must be ever vigilant to be discerning, willing to "distinguish between the holy and the profane" (Ezekiel 22:26) ... whether that's a formerly innocuous kids' show or the latest edutainment offering. As I recently wrote, we must guard our hearts. If we don't, who will?

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of Christian Headlines.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Bob Grif

Bob DeMoss is a New York Times bestselling author of more than 40 books including collaborations with Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty, Jim Daly/Focus on the Family, Andy Stanley, and Tim LaHaye/Left Behind. His latest short story is "Hazel: The Outlaw Mummy". Visit