Friend of Former Pastor Steven Lawson Reveals Insight on His Life after Adultery Scandal

A longtime friend of former Pastor Steven Lawson, who stepped down from ministry last September after confessing to an adulterous relationship, shared that Lawson has since been under counseling as part of the repentance and healing process. In a blog post on The Cripplegate last week, Pastor Clint Archer of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, highlighted his friendship with Lawson and his initial shock and hurt when the scandal first broke.
In September 2024, Lawson, 73, stepped down as Lead preacher at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas, Texas, after it was discovered he was involved in a 5-year relationship with a woman in her 20s. At the time, the girl's father threatened exposure if Lawson didn't confess. He was subsequently let go of his preaching position at TBC Dallas as well as his roles at Ligonier Ministries, G3 Ministries, and The Master's Seminary. Lawson also resigned from his position as president of One Passion Ministries, which he himself founded.
According to Lawson, he described his situation as a "shipwreck" in response to Archer's text saying that he would pray for him.
Archer said he recently felt "moved" to call Lawson after preaching through 1 Timothy 1:19, which notes how "those who have not held their faith with a good conscience, and ended up making a shipwreck of their faith," The Christian Post.
"I listened with a lump in my throat as he poured out his heart, expressing his deep remorse; himself too, choking up at times," Archer recalled about his phone call with Lawson.
He added that Lawson "wanted to make a public statement for a long time but has been wisely counseled not to because anything he said could be misconstrued and used to further hurt the many people affected by his sin."
"Lawson's relationship with the young woman was one of acquaintance and then friendship for approximately five years, but was not one of a sexual nature until very shortly before it was exposed," Archer wrote. "After his adultery was discovered, Lawson confessed his sin to the elders of his church and to his family."
"He moved to Nashville to temporarily stay with his brother because that is what all involved agreed would be best for the church and family as they all processed the shocking news," Archer added. "Lawson agreed to do so until such time that his family and church felt it was appropriate for him to return to Dallas, though no period was stipulated. While in Nashville, he attends church with his brother."
According to Archer, Lawson "is in daily contact with a few men, who have experience counseling fallen pastors, and who were chosen by his spiritual leaders to counsel him and report to his elders."
Lawson remains in touch with his wife, including visiting her in Dallas, and receives "spiritual counsel daily from friends and counselors."
"He is back in Nashville for the time being," Archer stated. "Lawson is fully aware that he is permanently disqualified from ministry and is not under any illusion that he could ever be restored to a teaching position or ministry capacity that requires the qualifications of an elder. He returned cash advances for book contracts he will no longer publish. He is considering avenues for secular employment."
Archer also refuted the claim that Lawson is unrepentant, asserting that he has offered a full and detailed confession to his elders and family" and temporarily relocated to Nashville in order to give his family "space."
During his conversation with Lawson, Lawson said that they both discussed conducting a video interview where the former preacher would "speak from the heart" regarding his actions and release if permitted by Lawson's family, counsel, and his former church.
"I suppose I am not entitled to anything, but I feel like a personal statement would go a long way in bringing closure to an experience that left me reeling. And I think I speak for many others," Archer wrote.
He added that the interview would be posted on The Cripplegate if it is done in writing or uploaded audio and video of the conversation to the Cage Free Theology podcast and YouTube channel.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/Dr.StevenJ.Lawson
Originally published January 29, 2025.