Thank You God for Who You Are - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of January 10

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional


Recently, I was praying, “Father God, Thank you for who You are and who I don’t have to be and couldn’t be if I tried.” I actually said this prayer for several weeks. I don’t know when I began saying it, but it represented a thankfulness that I didn’t have to be all the things I couldn’t be anyway. I felt light when I said it. I felt relief knowing God was God and I was me.

Then, one day, as quickly as the previous prayer started, it changed. Out of my mouth came, “Thank You for who You are and for who You are calling me to be.” It surprised me because it was a different prayer and I didn’t even know it was coming. God explained that He is glad that I rest in Him, but He wants me to thank Him for and receive in faith who He is calling me to be. With this new prayer, I am praying for things I don’t even know or understand, but God knows. He knows. He knows. He knows. Through this prayer, God is aligning me with Him and His desires for my life.

Today, will you celebrate who God is and who He is calling you to be? Will you receive it in faith, knowing full well that He knows and loves you fully as you are?

“Father God, Thank You for who You are and for who You are calling me to be. In faith, I receive Your will and Your calling on my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Kristina Seymour loves to encourage and equip women through the Word and through community. She is the author of The Warrior Mom Handbook, The Warrior Mom Leadership Manual, and The Warrior Wife Handbook; they are available at Kristina's Bible studies are for women who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. She has learned that women can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about Kristina, please visit her recently founded Share & Company Publishing House God loves to share His story of love and grace through us all, and Kristina believes that everyone has a story to tell.