He Takes Our Anxiety. We Take His Peace. - Love Worth Finding - August 9

He Takes Our Anxiety. We Take His Peace.

August 9

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

What does it mean to “renew” your strength? It literally means “changed,” as if you changed clothes. You remove your rags of weakness and put on God’s royal robes of strength. God promises to exchange our strength with His strength.

You see, the Christian life is not just simply a changed life, it is an exchanged life.

God doesn’t just change us from what we were to something better. He exchanges His life with us. 

He takes our sin. We take His holiness. 

He takes our weakness. We take His strength. 

He takes our anxiety. We take His peace.

Sounds great. But what’s the problem? We get tired of waiting for the change.

Friend, don’t give up. The wait is never too long when God is in charge.

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