Spouse Abuse: Isolation - Living Free - November 30

Spouse Abuse: Isolation 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

Today's Scripture
 "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT

Thoughts for Today
 Abused spouses often become socially and emotionally isolated. It is vital to reestablish family and social connections. 

Most communities offer resources to help abused spouses. Sometimes battered spouses remain isolated simply because they don't know about the help available. If you are in that situation, find out what local resources are available. Look in the yellow pages for counseling services and ask them about local resources. Do a Google search for "help for abused spouses" in your area. Visit websites like the American Association of Christian Counselors to ask for a local contact. 

Consider this …
 Isolation often occurs because we feel abandoned. We must not rush the resocialization process. We must allow ourselves time to relearn socialization skills and to develop intimate, trusting relationships. 

Resocialization is a major issue of concern for those of us who have been battered. Our past socialization activities may have taken place in the guarded atmosphere of a chaotic and dysfunctional home. Thus, we need to allow time for this resocialization process and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

A word of caution: Although you should connect with your family of origin, sometimes they can reinforce unhealthy behavior. They may encourage you to remain in your abusive situation and try to control it because that is what they did. But that answer is hopeless. Try to connect with your family without buying into unhealthy family norms.

 Father, I have isolated myself from everyone outside my home. I know I need to get reconnected. Give me the courage and wisdom to make that change. In Jesus' name . . .
These thoughts were drawn from … Restoring Families: Overcoming Abusive Relationships through Christ by Janet M. Lerner, D.S.W. This study helps to minister to families caught in the cycle of abusive relationships. The curriculum deals with overcoming these abusive relationships through Christ and is recommended for use in support groups and Christian counseling.

  • Ministers to families from abusive relationships
  • Ministers to victims of family violence
  • Deals with wounded emotions
  • Deals with control and intimacy issues
  • Presents a strong message of Christ as healer of abusive relationships

Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.


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