Power Point - December 23, 2004


December 23, 2004


A merry heart does good, like medicine

But a broken spirit dries the bones.

                                        -Psalm 17:22


Martin Luther may be known to many people as a stern, former monk turned reformer. He said, “If they don’t have laughter in heaven, then I don’t want to go there. It’s easy to imagine the beautiful smile and heavenly laugh of Jesus.”


I love that. Discover joy this season. Lighten up from all the stress. Laugh it up with the people you love the most. Celebrate the joy of life in Christ!


Life can become torturous and troublesome. We get so busy that we forget to have fun…especially during this time of the year. And we’re so motivated to success that we don’t slow down long enough to enjoy the experience. We walk through our lives with worried looks upon our faces; and rather than be joyous Christians, we become cynical, skeptical, critical, and joyless. That’s no way to live.


Laugh a little. It comes from having a relationship with Jesus. He’s the One who said, “I’ve come that you might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Who concocted the idea that Christians were not to enjoy their lives? I’ve seen better faces on clocks than on the faces of some people who claim to be Christians! Without Jesus, life is miserable; but with Him, life is magnificent.


I had wonderful parents. And one of my greatest memories is the chuckle of my dad and the hilarious laughter of my mother. Those are the memories that are etched in my soul and that shaped my life.


There are those that will be spending Christmas alone, or without someone they love this season. Take heart…because God is present and real. He is our great comforter and friend. And having a relationship with Him will bring about pure joy and happiness.


Let us not forget our military men and women serving overseas when we pray. Pray that they will come to know joy in Christ if they haven’t experienced it already. Lift them up as they are away from their families this holiday and pray for their safe return. In addition, add those who have lost loved ones to your prayer list especially during this season…that they may find comfort and peace in the Lord Jesus. And finally, spend time with the ones you love in laughter this Christmas. Thank God for the precious family and friends in your life.