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Christian Headlines Blog Christian Blog and Commentary

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Jonathan Feldstein

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of CrosswalkHeadlines.

Jonathan Feldstein

 Jonathan Feldstein is president of the Genesis 123 Foundation. He was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. He is a leader working with and among Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel through his work, writing, and as host of the Inspiration from Zion podcast. He can be reached at

8 Prayers to Pray over Israel this Year as Hanukkah Begins

  • 2023Dec 05

Jerusalem, Israel, December 5, 2023
This year, the first night of Chanukah on December 7 coincides with two months since the brutal attack and massacre by Hamas on Israel. Chanukah is a festival of freedom and of miracles.  Chanukah is an eight-day festival celebrating the miracle of the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem some 2200 years ago with enough pure oil meant for one day’s use in the Temple service supernaturally lasting for eight days.  Chanukah also celebrates the miraculous military victory of Judah Macabee and his sons over enemies who wanted to destroy Israel physically and spiritually.

This December 7, the Genesis 123 Foundation is calling upon Christians around the world to join in solidarity with the Jewish people, celebrating miracles that God enabled in the past and praying for more miracles that only God can do and which are so desperately needed today.

The Genesis 123 Foundation calls upon Christians around the world to light a candle in a place that’s visible to the public, recognizing that God alone deserves recognition for these miracles and that just as He has protected Israel in the past, He will do so today and in the future.

The Genesis 123 Foundation calls upon Christians around the world to unite in prayer for Israel with the prayer points below and to share their prayers in writing and video throughout social media, highlighting the miracles and inspiring others to join in prayer, calling upon everyone to sign the petition, using #bringthemhomenow and #Genesis123Foundation.

It's especially noteworthy that Chanukah is mentioned in the Christian bible specifically, including the Book of Maccabees (Catholic bible), and universally in John 10:22, where Jesus celebrated the Feast of the Dedication in Jerusalem.

Accordingly, there’s already been significant international support for this program, even if it was conceived just days before Chanukah begins. Two of the many Christian leaders who have endorsed and are promoting the project are:

Rev. Peter Fast, the International CEO of Bridges for Peace.  Fast enthusiastically endorsed the idea. “At these unique and abnormal times, this is a timely initiative with Chanukkah and what it stands for before us. BFP is hard at work, alongside Genesis 123 Foundation, to rally Christians around the world to give and pray, and we are seeing that in wonderful ways...yet the world roars with all her might as we see antisemitism exploding upon our streets and the terrible marches. One thing we are pushing for is for the people who stand with Israel to count the cost and not remain silent. I happily add my name to your letter and will share it with our network.

While many pastors and other leaders are engaged with Christmas and other seasonal obligations, Dr. Michael Brown, internationally recognized author, speaker, and host of the syndicated talk radio show “Line of Fire” was embarking on a missions trip to India, yet understood this was important and timely. Despite his travels, he committed to making it a priority to promote it actively despite his own intense schedule. “I’m happy to help spread the prayer call,” he wrote, “It’s imperative.” We add the prayer that others follow his example.

Eight Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for ALL the hostages to be released and come home to their loved ones safely and right away
  2. Pray for the families of the hostages, that they continue to remain strong physically, emotionally, and in their faith
  3. Pray for the families and loved ones of more than 1200 people who were massacred by Hamas terrorists on October 7 that they should find strength despite their loss and derive comfort from the love and support of Christians and Jews around the world.
  4. Pray for the full and speedy physical and emotional recovery of thousands of Israelis who were injured physically and scarred emotionally since October 7
  5. Pray for the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who have been uprooted from their communities that have been destroyed and must be rebuilt and those who have been evacuated from border areas because of the threat of war and terror literally in their backyard.
  6. Pray for the safety and success of the IDF, that collectively and individually, they will have divine protection to defend Israel with the morals and courage that are needed.
  7. Pray that millions of Christians around the world will lend their voices by signing the petition to free ALL the hostages and encourage Israel to resist international pressure at this time in any way that will put Israel at greater risk.
  8. Pray that God will change the hearts of evil Islamic terrorists of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad on Israel’s borders, and the source of the evil from the Islamic regime in Iran, and pray for Palestinian Arabs, who will also have a change of heart, that they will no longer support terrorism, and that they a new generation of leaders will be raised up who will put the well-being of the Palestinian people above the hatred of Israel.

For additional information, to lend your name, or for an interview opportunity, please contact the Genesis 123 Foundation at, by phone at +1-201-203-0983, or WhatsApp at +972-53-761-4220.

Photo Courtesy: ©GettyImages/FamVeld

The views and beliefs in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of Christian Headlines.

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of CrosswalkHeadlines.

Jonathan Feldstein

 Jonathan Feldstein is president of the Genesis 123 Foundation. He was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. He is a leader working with and among Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel through his work, writing, and as host of the Inspiration from Zion podcast. He can be reached at

Actor Neal McDonough Says Staying True to His Faith Cost Him Jobs in Hollywood

  • 2023Dec 04

There are certain things Neal McDonough simply won’t do — like kiss any woman other than his wife — even though it got the Christian actor fired. It hasn’t always made things easy for him in Hollywood, but Neal McDonough puts faith and family first, no matter what!

Making it in Hollywood is hard enough. But actor Neal McDonough knows firsthand it’s even harder when you’re a Christian. And while it’s not always been easy, this man has succeeded in staying true to his faith!

Neal McDonough's Testimony Of Putting God First

As Christians, we must regularly choose between our earthly desires and our faith. Sometimes it’s something small and other times, it’s big. But following Jesus will always cost us something.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” ~ Matthew 16:24-25

So, when pursuing acting, Neal McDonough made it clear his faith comes first. In fact, since the very start of his 30-year career, he’s refused to do sex scenes. And with 16 years of marriage under his belt, the father-of-five remains devoted to his wife alone.

“I won’t kiss any other woman because these lips are meant for one woman,” Neal McDonough explained.

Neal is most certainly a talented actor. So, some folks in Hollywood have been willing to honor his convictions, such as when he landed a role on the sexually charged show "Desperate Housewives."

"When Marc Cherry signed me, I said, ‘I'm sure you know, but I won't kiss anybody,'" Christian actor Neal McDonough recalled telling the show’s creator. "He was like, ‘But this is ‘Desperate Housewives!'' I said, ‘I know.' He paused for about five seconds and said, ‘All right, I'm just going to have to write better.' And we had a great time.'"

But other times, Neal’s firm stance has gotten the Christian actor fired.

Christian Actor Fired For Staying True To Wife

Neal McDonough was all set to star in ABC’s 2010 TV series “Scoundrels.” But three days into filming, he got replaced for refusing to perform steamy scenes with co-star Virginia Madsen. Neal reportedly lost as much as $1 million dollars by getting kicked off the show. But it also hurt his reputation in the industry.

"It was a horrible situation for me," Neal recalled. "After that, I couldn't get a job because everybody thought I was this religious zealot. I am very religious. I put God and family first and me second. That's what I live by. It was hard for a few years."

But Neal and his family weathered the storm, choosing to rely on God’s faithfulness rather than this fickle world. He knew he’d made the right choice, honoring God and his wife of 16 years, Ruvé.

"Almost 20 years, five kids, and just one heck of an awesome life later, to have her as my partner in everything, I'm just the most blessed guy I know," Christian actor Neal McDonough said. "That's why I go to church every day and say ‘thank you' to God for everything He's given me. And most importantly, thank you for giving me Ruvé because, without her, I most certainly would not be talking with you right now."

Things may have gotten tough for Neal for a time, but his career has been “phenomenal ever since.” Not everyone knows his name, but plenty of people recognize his face.

"My wife says I need to write a book and call it Just Famous Enough," the actor jokes.

And hearing how Neal McDonough stood up for his Christian beliefs is just the kind of inspirational testimony we love to hear!

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Pascal Le Segretain/Staff

Originally published on GodTube. Used with permission.

Who Are the Innocent Palestinians?

  • 2023Dec 04

A recent poll by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) painted a vivid picture of who the innocent Palestinian Arabs are about whom the world is decrying their treatment in Israel’s war with Hamas, the same world that’s been an impotent deaf-mute, overlooking decades of abuse and war crimes against the Palestinian Arabs under Hamas, the PLO, and Islamic Jihad.  The current situation begs the question, for another conversation, as to whether anyone in the world actually cares about the well-being of the Palestinian Arabs or if this is just a cover for antisemites to find an excuse to blame Israel again and again and again.

The wartime poll was conducted between October 31 and November 7 among 668 people in the Palestinian Authority, including Gaza and the “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria).

So, who are the innocent Palestinian Arabs?

Spoiler alert in case you don’t care or have time for the details: the poll shows that Palestinian Arabs roundly support terror against Israel, reject peace with Israel, and deny Israel’s very right to exist.

To its credit, ARWAD actually published these results. They did so with no shame. But they should be ashamed of their society and everything it says about the century-long dehumanization of Jews and delegitimization of Israel. Maybe it depicts their desire to portray this reality in the hope that there will be change.   However, as deep as the hostility to Israel is, it’s hard to imagine even a handful of righteous people looking to change their society rather than celebrate its deeply rooted evil.

The AWRAD poll depicts widespread hostility, hatred, and legitimization of terror. It did not start just because of the war, and certainly not as a response to the horrific October 7 massacre against Israel. In fact, it shows that innocent Palestinian Arabs celebrate it. These results are the product of hateful incitement against Israel from long before the advent of the Palestinian Authority in the 1990s and since celebrating terror, honoring the terrorists, and providing generous pensions to the perpetrators and their families.

The results must be a wake-up call for Israel, the broader world (even the antisemites for whom these facts are an inconvenient truth), and anyone in the international community who truly seeks peace in the Middle East. It underscores that the worn-out paradigms of the past are invalid, and the world needs to look through the prism of helping to resolve a problem based on reality, not how people want to think the world ought to be.

The poll’s overall results indicate that an overwhelming percentage of innocent Palestinian Arabs:

  • overwhelmingly support the October 7 massacre against Israel (75%),
  • support the genocidal creation of a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea” in place of Israel (74.7%),
  • seek the restoration of “historical Palestine” as a final resolution (71.1%), albeit that there was never an independent entity under Arab authority known as Palestine to restore,
  • and obviously, they reject coexistence with Israel (85.9%).

As if in a high school popularity contest for homecoming king and queen among competing terrorist organizations, innocent Palestinian Arabs:

  • believe that Hamas plays a somewhat to a very positive role (76%),
  • believe that Palestinian Islamic Jihad plays a somewhat to very positive role (84%),
  • believe that Fatah’s (the PLO) terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, plays a somewhat to very positive role (79.8%),
  • believe that Hamas’ armed wing, the Al-Kassam Brigades, plays a somewhat to very positive function (88.6%).

Innocent Palestinian Arabs also harbor unsurprisingly antisemitic and anti-Western views and believe that they are victims and not the perpetrators:

  • 91.5% think that support for Israel is the result of the “influence of the Israeli lobby;”
  • 85.5% think that support for Israel is the result of “hatred of Arabs;”
  • 79.5% agreed with the belief that this support is the result of “hatred of Muslims and Islam.”

Biting the hands that feed them, which have provided untold millions to fund their society, innocent Palestinian Arabs:

  • see the U.S. role as unfavorable (98.2%),  
  • see the UK role as unfavorable (96.7%),
  • see the EU role as unfavorable (92.6%)

But innocent Palestinian Arab's disdain is not just for the Western hands that feed them. Within the Arab world, innocent Palestinian Arabs:

  • see the United Arab Emirates playing the most negative role (96%),
  • see Saudi Arabia playing the second most negative role (95.5%),
  • see Egypt playing the third most negative role (84.6%)
  • see Jordan playing the fourth negative role (75.6%).

It’s noteworthy that these countries have either made peace with Israel or were close to that before October 7.  No doubt innocent Palestinian Arabs must hold in high esteem countries that are rocks of stability and democracy in advocating for their well-being, such as Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.

Looking locally at their own “society,” innocent Palestinian Arabs seek greater control by the most hardline terrorists in a population where all their leaders come from terrorist organizations. Innocent Palestinian Arabs believe:

  • the Palestinian Authority plays a negative role (87.3%),
  • Fatah (the PLO) plays a positive role. (23.2%),        
  • Hamas should continue to play a role in the Palestinian government (85.8%)
  • support a “national unity” government of Fatah (the PLO) and Hamas. (72.2%),
  • the war will end with a Palestinian victory that “achieves the liberation of Gaza from the Israeli invasion.” (74.3%)

Innocent Palestinian Arabs’ positive perception of the terror organizations that control their society remains high despite their role in the October 7 massacre and being used as human shields by the very same terrorist leaders whom they hold in high esteem.

To be clear, I don’t want to see the death or suffering of any actual innocent Palestinian Arabs. Nor do the vast majority of Israelis. The truism before October 7 remains: if they were to lay down their weapons today, they could have peace tomorrow. If we were to lay down our weapons (or be unprepared or live in a naïve false reality), they would slaughter us.  On October 7, we saw that.

Israelis desperately want peace. But when we look at statistics like these among “innocent Palestinian Arabs,” it makes us question whether there are in fact, any actual peace partners on the other side. It’s not only impossible under Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. In the Palestinian Authority-controlled “West Bank,” the percentage of people who hold negative and genocidal views of Israel is actually greater.  According to the AWRAD poll, innocent Palestinian Arabs in the “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria) support the massacre against Israel at a far greater rate (83.1%) than those in Gaza (63.6%).

The AWRAD poll shows that innocent Palestinians are delusional and hold views that are self-defeating.  It raises the legitimate question as to whether Israel has, or ever will have, peace partners. It raises the question as Israel continues its combat to eradicate Hamas, whether all the innocent Palestinian Arabs are really so innocent after all.

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Liorpt

The views in this commentary do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Christian Headlines.

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of CrosswalkHeadlines.

Jonathan Feldstein

 Jonathan Feldstein is president of the Genesis 123 Foundation. He was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. He is a leader working with and among Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel through his work, writing, and as host of the Inspiration from Zion podcast. He can be reached at