Denison Forum

'I Have Lost My Son but I Will Not Give Up My Lord'


Aysha Bibi is a Christian who works as a housekeeper in Pakistan, where false allegations against believers are common.  According to the British Pakistani Christian Association, she was accused of stealing from her employer's home, a charge she strongly denied.  Police then arrested her son and tortured him in front of her.  After they sent her away, they killed him and dumped his body in front of her home.


The grieving mother says, "I have great faith in my Lord Jesus Christ.  Christ is my Savior and he suffered death for my sins.  I am asked to convert to Islam every day.  I have lost my son but I will not give up my Lord.  Instead, I will serve Him and one day I will meet again with my precious son." 


Last February 23, ISIS raided 35 Christian villages in Syria, abducting between 263 and 373 men, women and children.  They continually demanded that the hostages convert to Islam.  The believers knew that ISIS had been slaughtering Christians, but the entire group refused to recant their faith.  Some have been released, but reports indicate that 15 others have been murdered.  The fate of the rest is not yet known.


Last week, police arrested a man who stood outside a Miami Beach synagogue and allegedly threatened those inside.  He reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is greatest," then told one person in the synagogue, "I will cut your head off."  He later told a television reporter, "They can be as angry as they want.  I have freedom of speech."


The president of Germany's Central Council of Jews recently stated, "These are the worst times since the Nazi era.  On the streets, you hear things like 'the Jews should be gassed,' 'the Jews should be burned'—we haven't had that in Germany for decades. . . . And it's not just a German phenomenon.  It's an outbreak of hatred against Jews so intense that it's very clear indeed."


Why are so many Jews and Christians being persecuted today?


I met recently with the leaders of Global Media Outreach, an amazing Internet evangelism and discipleship ministry.  Since its founding in 2004, GMO has shared the gospel with more than a billion people.  More than 125 million have indicated a decision for Christ through their websites.  People around the world are coming to Jesus in greater numbers than ever before.  Should we be surprised that Satan is fighting back?


The devil seeks "to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).  However, he works strategically, attacking those who most threaten him.  Rising persecution proves that God's Kingdom is advancing. (Tweet this)


If you're not serving Jesus, you're no danger to the enemy.  If Satan is tempting, discouraging, or attacking you, be encouraged—he thinks you're worth the effort.  He tempted Eve in the Garden, discouraged Elijah after Mount Carmel, and attacked Jesus on a cross. You are in good company.  And you have a great King.



Publication date: March 16, 2015


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