Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - November 27, 2014

With the End in Mind

You, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.- (1 Timothy 6:11)

Many of us will put ourselves into situations we don’t need to be in. We hang around with people that we don’t need to be hanging around with. We watch movies that we don’t need to be watching. We listen to music that we don’t need to be listening to. And it will affect us.

Granted, we cannot control every circumstance we will face in life. I would acknowledge that all of us end up in situations in which we think, I wish I hadn’t seen that. . . . I wish I hadn’t been exposed to that. But if we live in the real world, then we will see and hear things that we don’t want to. Unfortunately, it is part of life.

Some may say, “Oh, it doesn’t affect me. I can handle it.” But it does. As the saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.” We will reap what we sow. It may not be dramatic. It may not be overt, initially. But it will have its effect.

It is a lot like sowing seeds. You don’t sow a few seeds today and have a forest tomorrow. You sow a few seeds today, and then down the road, you have some sprouts. A little bit later, you have plants. And in time, you will have your forest.

The seeds we are sowing today will be reaped eventually. And if we are sowing seeds of corruption, then we will reap the tragic results later. If we are sowing spiritual seeds by doing the right thing, then we will reap the blessed results of that as well. The seeds we are sowing today will be reaped in the years to come.

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