Jesus is Our Most Valuable Gift - Love Worth Finding - May 30
May 30, 2023 – Jesus is Our Most Valuable Gift
Sermon: 1951 The New World Order, Part 1
Pray Over This
“Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.”
Ponder This
After Joyce and I had determined to get married, I bought an engagement ring. I was working my way through college, and I had many jobs to be able to pay for school and living, but I also wanted to buy an engagement ring.
I remember going into the jewelry store and finding the ring I wanted to give to Joyce. It’s a very small ring with a very flawed diamond, and there have been so many times I have asked Joyce, “Would you let me buy you another diamond?” But I cannot even begin to get her to consider it. That ring is precious to her because, at that time, it cost me so very much. Though it may have been minimum to somebody else, it was maximum to me. I would go in each week and pay a little on that ring, and with great joy, I gave Joyce that ring.
Knowing the value of what you have been given is important. We need to understand what the Lord Jesus paid for us. He sought us. He bought us. He gave us the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. When we know the value it cost Him, that changes us.
- What is something valuable to you? How do your actions show the value you place on that item?
- How valuable is Jesus to you? How is that evident in your life?
Practice This
Make a list of different reasons Jesus is valuable to you. Consider what changes you might need to make in your life to properly demonstrate that value.
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