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Imprisoned Pastor's Torture-Related Internal Injuries Growing Worse

  • Religion Today Religious persecution, missions, Christianity around the world
  • Updated Aug 14, 2013

The Iranian family of American pastor Saeed Abedini was once again able to visit him in Evin Prison in Iran, Charisma News reports. Despite previous threats from Iranian authorities that they would cut off Pastor Saeed's visitation privileges, he was able to spend some brief time with his family on Monday. Unfortunately, Pastor Saeed's internal injuries are causing him increased pain. He has been suffering from internal bleeding -- the result of intense beatings he has sustained in prison for his faith. Iranian authorities recently allowed Pastor Saeed to be treated by a doctor at a local hospital, and since that time he has continued to take the medication he was prescribed. However, his pain has recently increased to the point that on one occasion, he fainted from the immense anguish. "Iran must see to it that Pastor Saeed is treated humanely and receives the critical medical attention he so desperately needs," said Matthew Clark of the American Center for Law and Justice, which is representing Pastor Saeed's family. "He must be released from this torment for his Christian faith and be allowed to return home to receive medical attention in the United States and, more importantly, be reunited with his loving family."