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ISIS Militants Fear Female Kurdish Fighters, Believe Being Killed by a Woman Sends Them to Hell

  • Carrie Dedrick Religious persecution, missions, Christianity around the world
  • Updated Oct 15, 2014

According to reports, ISIS militants fear female Kurdish fighters because they believe being killed by a woman sends them to hell. The terrorists believe that dying at the hands of a man will give them glory but a woman will deny their promised “paradise” of afterlife with 72 virgins. 

One of the two leading Kurdish commanders is a woman. The soldier Mayssa Abdo, goes by the nom-de-guerre of Narin Afrin; she has been actively defending the Syrian border town of Kobane. 

 Col. Ahmed Rashid, is the commander of an all-female peshmerga force. She said, "A lot of women have been volunteering to fight with us at the moment. They join because they want to defend other women in areas of conflict. They've been trained by SWAT teams and with the special forces. Some have already fought alongside their male colleagues on the front line and I'm sending others to Kirkuk soon."

A female fighter known only as Tekoshin said, "I think [they] were more afraid of us than of the men. They believe they'll go to hell if they die at a woman's hands.”

Publication date: October 15, 2014