Baptist Minister Says Interfaith Marriage Strengthened Her Faith

Baptist Minister Says Interfaith Marriage Strengthened Her Faith

A recent Pew Research study indicated that interfaith marriage is on the rise, causing concern to many Christians who fear the trend could alter the landscape of American spirituality. 

According to the study, four out of 10 Americans marry someone of a different faith. The rate of interfaith marriage has risen 20 percent since 1960. 

Many Christians advise against this practice, using 2 Corinthians 6:14 a guide. The scripture says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”

The Apostle Paul warns against being “unequally yoked” with non-Christians. 

But author and ordained Southern Baptist minister Dana Trent argues that in her case, the “unequally yoked” rule actually led her deeper into faith. Writing for TIME, Trent explains how she met a Hindu priest through eHarmony and married him. The couple studied one another’s beliefs and Trent became more immersed in prayer and service to others as a result. 

She wrote, “Much to many Christians’ dismay, it took a person of another faith—a seemingly ‘unequally yoked’ partner, to strengthen my Christian walk.”

Though many people, expressed concern for their union, Trent says both she and her husband’s passion to share God’s love strengthened their faith together. 

Publication date: July 14, 2015