Barna: Evangelical Movie-Going Habits Surprisingly High
- Religion Today
- Published Feb 22, 2013
According to a new survey of American adults by the Barna Group, faith determines a person's movie-going habits more than almost any other demographic factor except age -- especially if you're an evangelical Christian, Christianity Today reports. Evangelicals reported seeing an average of 2.7 movies in theaters last year, an average bigger than any of the age groups except those aged 18 to 28, who saw an average of 3.4 movies. The evangelical average is a full movie more than the national adult average, and just shy of the average of 3 films seen by those professing no religion. Large numbers of evangelicals turned out to see summer blockbusters like "The Avengers" (42 percent of evangelicals reported seeing it) and "The Hunger Games" (36 percent). Fewer evangelicals reported seeing "Skyfall" (12 percent), "Argo" (3 percent) and "Lincoln" (3 percent).