Buddhist Convert Becomes Pastor in Tibet
- Veronica Neffinger iBelieve Contributor
- Updated Aug 20, 2015
A former Buddhist Lama has converted to Christianity and become a pastor who has already led 27 people to Christ.
Because of the threat the pastor could face for his conversion, Mission Network News did not reveal the pastor’s name, but it is clear that the Lord is working in his life and the lives of those who belong to his Tibetan community.
The now pastor spent almost 30 years as a Buddhist Lama, or monk. His job was to prepare the dead for their next reincarnation.
However, he always had doubts about the afterlife and wondered if his efforts actually had any effect on the dead.
The man’s wife then became seriously ill. The man tried all the Buddhist rituals he knew in an effort to heal her, but she did not get well.
At this same time, the man’s daughter was interacting with some girls from the Christian Children’s Home and she noticed how different they were.
The pastor’s daughter was so drawn to these girls that she began attending church with them. When the girl’s mother still was not getting well, despite all the Buddhist magic, the girl invited her father to attend church with her.
At first, the Buddhist monk did not want to go. After all, he had been a follower of Buddhism for nearly 30 years. Eventually, however, he and his wife attended the Christian church with their daughter, and miraculously, by the time the family had returned home, his wife was well.
The man and his family converted to Christianity and the former Buddhist Lama is now the pastor of a Christian church that is making its own disciples.
Photo courtesy: pixabay.com
Publication date: August 20, 2015