Ceasefire Ends with Palestinian and Israeli Rocket Fire

Ceasefire Ends with Palestinian and Israeli Rocket Fire

The ceasefire between Israel and Gaza ended when Hamas fired missiles at Israel. Israel reciprocated the attack with its own rockets. The latest attacks killed one Palestinian child and wounded five others, and injured two Israelis. 

The rocketfire occurred only minutes after the 72-hour ceasefire ended. Fox News reports that the negotiations that went on during the ceasefire were ineffective as Hamas refuses to give up its weapons and Israel says it will not open the Gazan borders. Gaza was willing to continue the talks, but Israel said it will not negotiate while under fire. 

"When Hamas broke the cease-fire, when Hamas launched rockets and mortar shells at Israel, they broke the premise of the talks," Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Mark Regev said. 

IDF reported that 33 missiles had fallen by noon local time. Israel was hit with 26 rockets, three were intercepted and four missed the Israeli target. 

The fighting between Israel and Gaza has now continued for month and killed nearly 2,000 people. 

Publication date: August 8, 2014