Christian Movie ‘Mully’ Coming to Theaters in October

Christian Movie ‘Mully’ Coming to Theaters in October

A Christian film called Mully, sponsored by Focus on the Family, will be coming to theaters next month for a select three nights only.

The film tells the remarkable true story of Dr. Charles Mully, who grew up as an orphan in Kenya, but who made it out of the slums and became a successful businessman. Just when everything seemed to be going so well for Mully, however, he felt God calling him to go back to where he grew up and minister to those in poverty, particularly the children.

Mully began Mully Children’s Family, which is an organization that has taken in more than 12,000 homeless, abused, and orphaned children in Kenya.

Mully’s story has been described by the film’s creator Chris Haze as “an unimaginable journey of selflessness.”

“My hope is that the works of this man and his wife will echo across the face of the earth and that we will all pause for a moment and realize that through faith and hard work, anything is possible. This includes changing the world one child at a time,” added Haze.

The film will be in theaters October 3rd, 4th, and 5th only. It will be shown in about 700 theaters across the U.S. To see if it will be shown in a theater near you, click here.


Photo courtesy: Focus on the Family

Publication date: September 12, 2017