Restoration Begins on ‘Tomb of Jesus’ in Israel

Restoration Begins on ‘Tomb of Jesus’ in Israel

Restoration has begun on an ancient tomb believed to be the tomb in which Jesus was buried, according to The Christian Post.

The “Tomb of Jesus” as it is called, is thought to be the exact site of Jesus’ burial and resurrection. It is located in Jerusalem's Old City where the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is built over it.

The restoration project, which is being undertaken through the combined efforts of the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Armenian Orthodox churches, is estimated to cost $3.4 million and will take one year to complete.

Workers must peel away the many layers of the tomb’s outer surface, repairing and restoring them.  

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built over the tomb in the nineteenth century, and according to AFP, the ancient site was “on the verge of collapse.”

The large influx of tourists to the location caused the metal frame supporting the site to begin to collapse, and restoration became necessary.

"Broken or fragile parts will be replaced while marble slabs that can be preserved will be cleaned, and the structure supporting them will be reinforced," AFP said.

King Abdullah of Jordan also said he will pledge funds for the restoration of the site. 

Publication date: May 31, 2016