Evangelicals Take a Stand on the Trinity
- Religion Today
- Updated Nov 30, 2011
November 30, 2011
A group of 73 evangelicals (and counting) have joined together in a declaration affirming that God is one being composed of three persons that are co-equal and co-eternal, the Christian Post reports. The signers of "An Evangelical Statement on the Trinity," which was posted this month at TrinityStatement.com, said it was necessary given the lingering debate over Trinity doctrine among Christians in the U.S. and abroad. "This is the central tradition of Christianity," said William David Spencer, author of the declaration. "We believe that God is one God in three equal, co-eternal persons. Drawing artificial distinctions around God undermines his oneness. We don't want to posit three separate gods or beings." Dr. Mimi Haddad, president of Christians for Bible Equality, added, "Subordination wrecks the doctrine of oneness in God completely."