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Faith Coalition Plans to Reveal on Wednesday How Christians Voted

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Nov 06, 2012
Faith Coalition Plans to Reveal on Wednesday How Christians Voted

The results of an extensive post-election survey of Christians, including evangelicals and voters across denominational lines, will be released Wednesday by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the Christian Post reports. Prior to the election, FFC founder Ralph Reed used his coalition to mobilize grassroots activists nationwide to get Christian voters to the polls. The coalition said it distributed 30 million voter guides in 117,000 churches, sent out 24 million pieces of mail, made 23 million get-out-the-vote calls, made over 122 million voter contacts to "evangelicals, faithful Catholics and other voters of faith," and sent 18 million text messages and emails. The post-election survey will detail the share of the electorate that the FFC reached, how they voted, and why they voted as they did. The FFC plans to hold a news briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to discuss the survey in order to show the impact of the evangelical vote and other faith-based voters on the outcome of the election.