France: Evangelical Church Targeted in Arson Attack

France: Evangelical Church Targeted in Arson Attack

An evangelical church in France was recently the target of an arson attack--the second attack on the church in just over a week.

According to Christian Today, the Armenian Evangelical Church in Alfortville, France, near Paris, was damaged by flames from a trash can that was set on fire directly outside the church’s front doors.

The pastor of the church, Gilbert Léonian, has a residence within the church building. He said he and his wife were woken up from sleep by the fire and that they were “shocked,” but were able to evacuate the building unharmed.

Just eight days before the arson attack, the church was the subject of another attack. In this attack stones were thrown at the building and its telephone system was damaged.

Speaking to the newspaper Le Parisien, Léonian said the attacks were  “a surprise in such a quiet neighbourhood,” but that he and church members were not going to become angry because of what happened.

Church members and Pastor Léonian still held a church service the Sunday after the arson attack.

Attacks on French churches have been increasing in the past year. The arson attack on the Armenian Evangelical Church was the third in the last 12 months.


Publication date: April 4, 2017