Franklin Graham Responds to Pakistan Attack: ‘Islam Has Reared Its Ugly Head Again’

Franklin Graham Responds to Pakistan Attack: ‘Islam Has Reared Its Ugly Head Again’

Franklin Graham has firmly denounced the radical Islamic attack that killed at least 70 people in Pakistan while they were gathered for an Easter celebration.

The Blaze reports that Graham responded to the tragic event on his Facebook page, condemning Islam and extending encouragement to those who are mourning the victims, many of whom were children and Christians.

“Islam has reared its ugly head again, killing innocent Christians—mostly women and children—this Easter Sunday in Lahore, Pakistan. These families were celebrating a risen Savior who took our sins to the cross. Join me in praying for the hundreds injured and the families who have lost loved ones," Graham wrote.

Graham has a record of not being afraid to denounce Islam, stating that it is a religion that teaches hate. Graham has also warned the U.S. about accepting Muslim refugees, although he is in favor of welcoming Christian refugees, as well as other minorities such as Yazidis.

“The Muslim terrorist group spokesman said after this wicked attack, ‘It’s our message to the government that we will carry out such attacks again until sharia [Islamic law] is imposed in the country,’ Graham said. “Muslims want Sharia Law. They want the whole world to bow to Islam—that won’t happen. The Word of God tells us that one day “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11). I serve a risen Savior!”

Graham has consistently warned of the dangers of Islam, both in the U.S. and abroad.

“By letting Muslims come into this country at this time [there's] the potential for some of these people to turn on this nation for our kindness and our gratitude and commit murder,” Graham said when he was a guest on The Church Boys podcast last fall. “And it’s not just the murder of just one or two, but it could be a large event that could take the lives of many people.” 

“We cannot allow Muslim immigrants to come across our borders unchecked while we are fighting this war on terror,” Graham continued. “If we continue to allow Muslim immigration, we’ll see much more of what happened in Paris — it’s on our doorstep.”

Publication date: March 29, 2016