Gallup: Percentage of Pro-Abortion Americans Drops to Record Low

  • Religion Today
  • Published May 23, 2012
Gallup: Percentage of Pro-Abortion Americans Drops to Record Low

A new Gallup survey finds the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as supporting legalized abortion has dropped to a record low, reports. "The 41 percent of Americans who now identify themselves as 'pro-choice' is down from 47 percent last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009," the polling company said. On the other hand, 51 percent of Americans call themselves pro-life, one percentage point away from the record high. The percentage of pro-life Americans has trended higher since 1995, when the partial-birth abortion debate began in earnest and ultrasound technology made images of unborn children the first baby pictures most parents saw.