GOP Lawmaker Calls for ‘Civil Disobedience’ on Transgender Bathroom Directive

GOP Lawmaker Calls for ‘Civil Disobedience’ on Transgender Bathroom Directive

A Republican lawmaker has condemned the Obama Administration’s transgender bathroom directive, calling for “civil disobedience.” previously reported that on Friday (May 13) the Obama Administration directed “all public schools and most colleges and universities that receive federal funds,” to—as the Washington Post described it—’provide transgender students with access to suitable facilities–including bathrooms and locker rooms–that match their chosen gender identity.’”

CBN News reports that Representative Steve King, R-Iowa, has said that federally-funded schools are not required to comply with a law that is “unconstitutional.”

"There's no reason for us to follow an unconstitutional edict from the president, who is on his way out the door," King said in a radio interview Tuesday. 

King is among a group of Republicans who are arguing against Obama’s transgender bathroom directive. He said he would likely call a hearing on the issue in which he will discuss how to stop this directive from being applied in schools across the nation.

"So we're going to explore that more fully," he said. "I need to be more astute at how movements begin, the genesis of these kinds of policies, so that we can go find them before they proliferate and become contagious across the countryside."

Although the directive is not a law, according to CBN News, schools could face lawsuits or loss of federal aid if they fail to comply.

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Publication date: May 19, 2016