House Select Panel on Infant Lives Releases Findings

House Select Panel on Infant Lives Releases Findings

The House Select Panel on Infant Lives released its final reportthis week, saying that the videos in an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood were an “accurate depiction” of the work between abortionists and tissue-procurement companies.

“Over the last year, the Select Panel's relentless fact-finding investigation has laid bare the grisly reality of an abortion industry that is driven by profit, unconcerned by matters of basic ethics and, too often, noncompliant with the few laws we have to protect the safety of women and their unborn children," Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) said. "I have never shied away from my own pro-life views, but the findings of this panel should incense all people of conscience."

The U.S. House of Representatives created the House Select Panel after the release of the videos from the Center for Medical Progress. The House Select Panel worked for about a year on its investigation.

In its report, the panel also provided recommendations for changes.

"It is my hope that our recommendations will result in some necessary changes within both the abortion and fetal tissue procurement industries,” said U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) “Our hope is that these changes will both protect women and their unborn children, as well as the integrity of scientific research."

The full report is available here.


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Publication date: January 5, 2017