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Kenneth Starr Reportedly Fired for Handling of University Sex Assault Scandal

Kenneth Starr Reportedly Fired for Handling of University Sex Assault Scandal
The nation’s largest Baptist university has reportedly fired its president, Kenneth Starr, over his handling of a sexual assault scandal — a turn of events that drips with irony for the former prosecutor’s critics.
As independent counsel in the 1990s, Starr vigorously investigated the Clinton White House over several purported breaches of public trust, but most controversially, over the former president’s affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.
At Baylor University, where Starr has served as chancellor and president since 2010, the board of regents Tuesday (May 24) reportedly booted Starr in the wake of accusations from female students that school officials disregarded their reports of rapes and other sexual assaults. Several accusers charged that the Waco, Texas, university swept their complaints under the rug to protect football players.
Chip Brown of, a website that covers Texas sports, first reported the firing Tuesday, and was followed by several other media organizations, local and national.
Baylor University officials responded to the reports with a statement Tuesday from Assistant Vice President for Media Communications Lori Scott: “We will not respond to rumors, speculation or reports based on unnamed sources, but when official news is available, the University will provide it.”
Some in the Baylor community took to social media to blame the regents for making a fall guy out of Starr, and misdirecting their attention away from football coach Art Briles and athletic director Ian McCaw.
Others who have been following the Baylor scandal noted another irony: The same day that Baylor reportedly fired Starr, The New York Times ran a story reporting that Starr has nearly “seemed to absolve” Clinton of his alleged misdeeds.
Courtesy: Religion News Service
Publication date: May 25, 2016