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Marco Rubio Gaining Support from Evangelical Pastors in Iowa

Marco Rubio Gaining Support from Evangelical Pastors in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is gaining the support of evangelical pastors in the key state of Iowa.

Although Donald Trump and Ben Carson have been the Republican frontrunners, Rubio has been steadily rising in the polls.

CBN News reports that, during private meetings with evangelical pastors in Iowa, Rubio answered questions on policy and spirituality.

Praised for his articulate speech on the debate stage, Rubio also gave clear answers to the pastors’ questions.

He affirmed America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and every person’s right to religious liberty.

"This nation was founded on the belief that every person has natural rights that come from their Creator, and that's where we get free enterprise, that's where we get our republic," he continued. "If you don't have a creator, then what is the source of your rights? The government? The law?"

One pastor asked Rubio about his relationship with Jesus Christ.

"As far my relationship with Jesus Christ the best way I've been able to describe it to people that are not believers is God became a man, came down to earth and died for our sins," he said.

"He provided the ultimate sacrifice because up to that point we lived under the law and the law meant that we had to sacrifice an unblemished lamb to cover our sins, not erase them," he continued. "God was the ultimate sacrifice. It was his own son."

When interviewed, the pastor who asked him the question said he was pleased with Rubio’s answer and was very close to completely endorsing him.

Publication date: December 2, 2015