Marvel to Introduce New Gay Teen Captain America in Limited Comic Book Series

  • Amanda Casanova Contributor
  • Published Mar 18, 2021
Marvel to Introduce New Gay Teen Captain America in Limited Comic Book Series

Marvel Comics has revealed a new LGBTQ character will take up the Captain America role in a limited comic book series.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Aaron Fischer, “the Captain America of the Railways,” will appear in the series called The United States of Captain America. The books feature Steve Rogers teaming with teen Aaron Fischer to find his stolen shield. Rogers will meet people from “all walks of life” who have become their own Captain America in their local communities.

Fischer is described as “the fearless teen who steps up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused.”

“Throughout the group’s journey, they’ll discover everyday people from all walks of life who’ve taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities,” the release from Marvel Comics says.

The Guardian reports that the limited series will debut in stores on June 2.

“Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” said writer Joshua Trujillo, who wrote the debut issue introducing Fischer. “He stands for the oppressed and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”

In her work drawing the first issue, Jan Bazaldua said she was excited to be part of the project.

“I really enjoyed designing him and as a transgender person, I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil to help those who are almost invisible to society,” she said. “While I was drawing him, I thought, well, Cap fights against super-powerful beings and saves the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone in the street with problems that they face every day. I hope people like the end result!”

Marvel Comics is celebrating the 80th anniversary of Captain America with the new series.

Photo courtesy: ©Eric Labayle/Pixabay

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.