Military is Hostile to Christian Beliefs, According to Retired Navy Chaplain

Military is Hostile to Christian Beliefs, According to Retired Navy Chaplain

The military is becoming increasingly hostile to Christians, according to a retired Navy chaplain. reports that Wes Modder, who had served in the miltary for 20 years, shared his experience with the military’s intolerance of Christian beliefs.

The Navy attempted to fire Modder in 2015, alleging that he did not conduct himself properly “in [a] diverse and pluralistic environment.”

Modder believes discrimination against Christians in the military will only get worse.

Modder was almost fired after a man he didn’t know was gay began asking him probing questions about his beliefs on homosexuality. The man, along with a liberal United Methodist chaplain, used the comments Modder had made regarding his beliefs on homosexuality to land him in trouble.

Even Modder’s commander who had previously referred to him as “the best of the best,” turned against him and accused him of discriminating against others.

Ultimately, the case against Modder didn’t hold up and his lawyer was able to negotiate Modder’s honorable discharge and retirement, but Modder believes the conflict of religious liberty in the military has only begun and that many others will face similar intolerance as for their Christian beliefs.


Publication date: September 20, 2016