New Justin Bieber Album Rejected for Being 'Too Religious'
- Carrie Dedrick
- Updated Oct 15, 2015
Justin Bieber’s new album, “Purpose,” has reportedly been rejected in several Middle Eastern countries for being too religious and provocative. CBN News reports the album cover features the pop star shirtless, with a cross tattoo visible on his chest.
According to TMZ, the album was rejected in Middle Eastern countries and Indonesia, where Islam is the predominant religion.
Bieber's team is now reportedly creating a new cover to distribute the album in the Middle East.
Bieber recently spoke out about his Christian faith in a Complex Magazine interview. He said that he wanted to live like Jesus and was tired of hiding his faith.
The singer said Jesus “created a pretty awesome template of how to love people and how to be gracious and kind. If you believe it, He (died) for our sins.”
"We could take out all of our insecurities, we could take away all of the hurt, all the pain, all the fear, all the trauma. We have the greatest healer of all and His name if Jesus Christ. And He really heals."
Publication date: October 15, 2015